“Tomorrow actually,” she admitted.

“Tomorrow?! And you didn’t tell me?! Thea!” I shrieked, probably disturbing the girls in the room beside us.

“What?” She shrugged. “You didn’t tell me about the party.”

I frowned. “That was an accident, truly. To be honest, I don’t even want to go, so that’s why I didn’t say anything.”

Her face softened. “You’re forgiven.”

A knock sounded at our door. Thea shook her head. “That’ll be my brother. No doubt he’s sweet-talked yet another girl into letting him into the dorm. I swear, all he has to do his bat his eyes and they turn to goo. It’s annoying.” Reaching her arms out to hug me, just as there was another knock, she added, “Have fun, and call me if you’re not coming back to the dorm. I don’t want to worry.”

“I will,” I assured her, hugging her back.

A third knock sounded and I hollered, “I’m coming.” To Thea I rolled my eyes and muttered, “He’s so impatient.”

I opened the door and found the reason for his incessant knocking. A girl that lived on our floor, I think her name was Jessica, was hanging onto his arm and talking his ear off.

“Sorry,” I apologized, slipping out the door.

“Thank God,” he muttered under his breath, taking my hand.

“Bye, Cade!” The girl called.

“Bye, Jessa,” he groaned.

I poked his side. “I’m pretty sure it’s Jessica.”

“Jessica! I meant Jessica!” He yelled back as we started down the stairs. I couldn’t help laughing. “She wouldn’t shut up,” he hissed to me, “and honestly, the talking was tolerable compared to how she kept feeling up my muscles. I was getting afraid that she might get adventurous and grab my junk.”

“Oh, that would’ve been interesting.” I laughed, picturing Cade getting mauled by the girls on my floor.

“Seriously,” he flailed dramatically, “the girl’s hands were relentless and it’s not like I could forcibly remove her.”

“Hey, you don’t need to feel bad about it. I mean, I can’t blame her,” I winked. “Who wouldn’t want to feel you up?” I asked playfully.

He laughed. “Apparently you.”

I blushed at that and ducked my head. If only he knew how little experience I had in that department he wouldn’t make jokes so lightly.

Cade held open the door for me and we strode out into the frigid night air. The sky was dark and cloudy, barely any stars shining.

“This way,” he took my hand, leading me to his Jeep. “I couldn’t find a parking spot close.”

“How long do we have to stay?” I asked, my nerves skyrocketing as I realized I was about to attend my first real college party. It was already nine and I figured these things ran late. I felt like such a grandma for not even wanting to go in the first place. I’d rather hang out with Cade in his dorm or with Thea.

Cade shrugged. “An hour or two. If you absolutely hate it, then say so and we’ll leave sooner.”

He could read me so well it was scary at times.

I climbed into the Jeep, trying to think calming thoughts. My nerves raced and my palms grew sweaty. These were Cade’s teammates I’d be meeting and their opinion of me mattered. I didn’t want them to think I was some weird freshman just trying to finagle my way into the ‘in’ crowd.

“Your hands are shaking,” he commented, turning up the radio.

I tucked them under my legs. “Sorry, I’m nervous.”

“Don’t be nervous.” He rested one hand lazily on my knee, looking over his shoulder to back out of the parking space. “It’s just a small party.”

Small, I repeated to myself. I could handle small.