I bubbled with excitement—and I wasn’t sure if it was because we were going out, or because I was going to see Cade again. Probably because I was going to see him. We’d only parted this morning and I was already desperate to see him. That was scary and exciting all at the same time.

I changed into a ratty pair of jeans and a loose cream-colored sweater that draped over one shoulder. My long brown hair hung in curls down my back. Thea had opted to leave her hair curly as well. I smiled when I saw she wore some of her new clothes from our shopping excursion with Nova. She looked killer in a leather skirt, black boots, a white shirt, and studded leather jacket. Yeah, I could totally get used to this new badass Thea. The pink had been overwhelming.

“Are you ready?” She asked, twirling in front of the mirror. She smiled at her reflection. I got the impression she was glad to be rid of the pink too—although her pink bedspread stayed.

“Yeah,” I told her, grabbing my own army green jacket.

She looked me up and down and grinned. “It’s like we did a role reversal.”

I had to laugh. It was kind of true. I was wearing less black and Thea was wearing more.

“It is,” I agreed.

“You know,” she sobered, “I think we needed each other.”

I mulled over her words. In a way, I had needed Thea. She had managed to start breaking down my walls and weaseled her way into my heart—becoming my best friend. “Yeah, you’re right. We did.” I paused, unsure if I should continue. “Thank you.”

“Thank you?” She repeated with a mystified look on her face. “What are you thanking me for?”

“For being my friend.”

“Oh.” Her face softened. “You don’t need to thank me for that. Besides, I feel like I’ve been a pretty shitty friend. I’m still sorry for that night at the club.”

I laughed. “Thea, I forgave you and I meant it.”

She shrugged, a sad look on her face. “I haven’t forgiven myself.”

“Well, you should.” I pulled my

hair over one shoulder. “We should go. Cade said he was here like five minutes ago.”

Thea giggled. “Yeah, if we take much longer he’ll bat his eyes and sweet talk some poor defenseless girl into letting him into the dorm.”

“He definitely could…” I paused and tilted my head. “Has Cade ever had a girlfriend?” I couldn’t imagine a twenty-two year old guy never having a girlfriend, but stranger things had happened.

Thea’s face screwed up. “That’s not my story to tell. You’ll have to ask him.”

“Did he get screwed over?”

She pursed her lips. “Something like that.”

I let it drop, because I knew Thea wouldn’t say anything else. She might’ve been the younger sibling, but she was as protective of Cade as he was of her.

When we reached the stairway to head down to lobby I wasn’t surprised to see Cade coming up the steps. I started laughing and couldn’t seem to stop.

“What’s so funny?” He asked his sister.

She shrugged. “We just had a conversation about how we were taking too long and you’d find a way into the building.”

He smirked. “I’m glad you both know me so well.”

My eyes slithered up and down his body. Jeans hung low on his hips and he wore a dark green sweater. His hair was still damp from a shower, making it appear nearly black instead of its normal brown. Stubble dotted his cheeks and his eyes were bright and happy.

“Like what you see?” He smirked.

I blushed at having been caught staring. “Only a little.”

He chuckled at my reply. “Only a little? Should I take my shirt off to bump that statement up to a lot?”