Nova and Thea seemed to have instantly bonded which I found funny, since they seemed so opposite. Thea was obsessed with Nova’s purple hair and I wouldn’t have been surprised if in a few days hers was purple.

Exhausted, we stopped to eat at one of the restaurants in the mall.

We’d just placed our order when two guys I recognized strolled in. Nova and Thea were sitting on the opposite side of the booth so they didn’t see them.

Cade smiled when he saw me watching him and sauntered over with Xander close on his heels.

“Hello, ladies,” Cade slid into the booth beside me. Xander squeezed in next to Thea and lowered his head to quickly whisper something in her ear.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

Cade held up a shopping bag from the sporting goods store. “Shopping.” After giving the bag a shake he dropped it on the floor. “I hope you don’t mind if we join you.”

“Not at all,” I smiled. I shouldn’t have been happy to see Cade, but I was. My body hummed pleasantly anytime he was near and I’d become addicted to the feeling.

Cade finally swiveled his gaze to Thea and glared at her.

I may have forgiven her for last night, but it was clear Cade hadn’t. “I can’t believe you dragged her out again.”

Thea frowned and seemed to close in on herself at his words. “I thought it would be nice to get out. She didn’t have to come. I would’ve come by myself,” she defended.

“Cade,” I put a hand on his forearm, “I wanted to come. It’s okay.”

“No, it’s not okay.” His muscles flexed beneath my touch. “Last night could’ve been a whole lot worse and I don’t think Thea grasps that.”

Thea’s face grew red and she slammed a hand on the table. “I do understand that and I feel awful. I don’t need my douchebag brother making me feel worse.”

Whoa. I thought that was the first time I’d ever seen the siblings argue. It was weird. And…and they were arguing because of me.

“As long as you understand I might forgive you…one day.” Cade muttered. He picked up my glass of Sprite. He took a sip and slid it back my way. At my look he shrugged. “I was thirsty.”

Of course he was.

The waitress came by and startled at our new guests. “I’ll get you guys a menu,” she muttered before walking off.

She returned a moment later with the menus and got their drink order. Cade insisted that we would share. “Rae doesn’t mind,” he winked at me.

The waitress nodded and walked away.

“You should’ve gotten your own,” I muttered, feeling Thea’s eyes on us.

He shrugged. “And miss the chance to share straws with you, I think not. Especially since,” his voice lowered and he whispered in my ear, “I haven’t kissed you yet. And trust me, Rae, when you’re ready I’m going to kiss you like you’ve never been kissed before.”

My breath caught and something told me he was right. Kissing Cade would be unlike anything else I had ever experienced. Even with Brett. Cade was different. I saw that clearly now and it scared me. I wanted to run, but I wanted to stay even more.

When the waitress returned with Xander’s glass of water the two guys placed their order.

I realized then that poor Nova was completely out of the loop.

“Nova, this is Cade. Cade, this is Nova. We have class together. She’s a photographer too. Cade is also Thea’s brother,” I added.

“Nice to meet you,” Nova smiled.

“Likewise.” Cade reached for my drink again. I was about to ask the waitress to just bring me my own, but I knew Cade would only drink from that one too.

“And this is Xander, Cade’s best friend.” I pointed to the guy seated beside Thea.

Nova had to lean forward to see him. “Hi.” She gave a small wave and he returned it. I didn’t miss the way his hand grazed lightly over Thea’s shoulder before dropping below the table.