I whimpered when his nose grazed mine. I didn’t want any part of him touching me.

“I love your hair,” his fingers went to grasp one of the long curly strands. “There’s something exotic and hypnotizing about your eyes,” his voice lowered. “They tell a story.”

I wondered if they told the story of how I was going to kick his ass, because if he thought he was taking advantage of me then he was insane. I was not going down without a fight. He wasn’t the biggest guy on the planet and I was fairly certain I could get him off me and have time to run away.

The question was, how far would this go before I found the opportunity to get away?

He lowered his hand from my mouth but before I could suck in oxygen to scream his mouth was on mine in a bruising kiss. I bit down on his lip and the fucker bit me back like he enjoyed it.

Stay calm, Rae. Stay calm and think.

Brushing off my rising panic, I tried to relax my body. Maybe if he thought I was giving in he wouldn’t hold me so tight. With the way he held me now I knew I’d have bruises on my arm and hip from his hold.

I hated the taste of his lips on mine—ashy like cigarettes mixed with alcohol. It was enough to stir my stomach. I was sure he wouldn’t be thrilled if I threw up in his mouth, but it would be sure to get him away.

I felt tears prick my eyes and about that time, his hold lessened.

Now was my chance.

I maneuvered my legs so that one was between his.

And then I kicked.

With a yelp he fell to the ground.

I stood for a few seconds, stunned that it had actually worked.

Then my mind screamed at me to run, so I did.

My legs couldn’t carry me away fast enough. Panic still choked me and I was terrified that at any second he would grab ahold of me and drag me back to that dark corner.

My hands slammed into the exit doors and I ran outside.

Breathless, I sat down on the sidewalk, trying to calm my racing heart.

I was in shock and my body shook uncontrollably.

Did that really just happen?

The tracks of my tears on my cheeks told me that it did.

I expected the guy to bust out the door any second and I wished I had driven here instead of taking a taxi, because now I was stranded here.

I heard footsteps and jumped up, ready to run, but when I turned it was Thea.

Seeing Thea did nothing to calm me, though.

“Rae!” She cried, all but falling in her heels. “I saw what happened! Oh my God, I couldn’t believe that! Are you okay?!”

I backed away from her with my hands held up and my lower lip trembling. “Stay away from me,” my voice cracked. I was livid with Thea. This had been her idea. Then she’d run away and because of her I’d end up having Icky Guy try to…I wasn’t going to let my thoughts go there.

“Rae?” She stopped, looking at me with a hurt expression.

“This is your fault,” I accused. “Stay away from me.” I crossed my arms over my chest and started to walk away.

“Rae! You can’t just leave!”

“Watch me,” I growled.