“Some days just are.” I unwrapped my sandwich and looked it over carefully for any mysterious discoloration or oozing—school food could be gross. Since it looked okay I took a bite.

His feet dropped to the ground with a thump. He leaned towards me, flicking his shaggy hair out of his eyes. “What can I do to make this boring day exciting?”

I could think of a million and one ways he could make this day more exciting. Most of those ideas included him naked and sweaty—God, my hormones were in overdrive lately.

I didn’t say tell him that, though.

“You could let me take your picture,” I supplied. I’d wanted to photograph Cade for a while now, but I hadn’t wanted to tell him that—he was already cocky enough as it was.

His eyes widened in surprise. “You want to take my picture?” He grinned slowly. “Oh, this could be interesting.”

A lump formed in my throat. Something told me my suggestion was going to earn me nothing but trouble. I knew I should’ve kept my mouth shut.

Thea appeared at the table and sat down. She was breathless, with her hair blown back. “God, it’s windy out there.”

“Rae wants to take my picture,” Cade announced, not acknowledging her comment.

Thea gave me a sly smile and turned to her brother, her face sobering. “I didn’t realize Rae was doing nudes now.”

I choked on my sandwich.

Thea reached over and beat my back as I struggled for air. “Thea!” I groaned when I had enough air.

“What?” She shrugged innocently. “It was a good joke. Admit it.”

Cade seemed to think so. He was laughing so hard I was surprised tears weren’t streaming down his face.

“It wasn’t even remotely funny,” I huffed.

“Aw, come on, Rae,” Cade chortled, “it was funny.”

I picked at my sandwich, suddenly not hungry. Nope, I was mortified, because what Thea said had reflected my previous thoughts.

As my humiliation subsided I grudgingly admitted, “It was a little funny.”

“See?” Cade grinned. “That wasn’t so hard now was it?” Without waiting for me to answer, he asked, “So when are we going to do this?” He tipped the chair back on two legs and waited for me to answer.

“After my last class, I guess,” I shrugged, finishing my sandwich. While my appetite might have vanished moments ago I knew if I didn’t eat now I’d be starving in an hour. “Around three?”

“Sounds good.” He drummed his knuckles against the top of the table. “What do you think?” He over exaggerated a pout. “Will I make a good model?”

“If you don’t do that I think you’ll be fine.” I found myself cracking a smile.

“Oh, man,” he groaned, “I thought that was going to be my signature pose.”

“Not even close.”

“I love it when you get bossy,” he smirked.

Thea gagged. “You guys are the most sickeningly sweet couple ever and you’re not even a couple. Just do it already so I don’t have to continue to watch your nasty foreplay.”

Cade chuckled. “The fact that you think this is foreplay is hysterical, but also a good thing, because it means I don’t have to kill anyone on this campus for touching you.” Oh no. Cade’s protective big brother side was coming out. I knew Thea hated it.

She wrinkled her nose. “You realize I’m not a nun, right?”

Cade’s face screwed up with distaste. “Let’s end this conversation before I do something stupid.”

My phone started vibrating in my pocket. I sighed. I knew who it was and the last thing I wanted to do was talk to her.