He sat down on the end of my bed and shoved a Styrofoam cup with a lid on it into my hands. “Eat,” he demanded, and this time handed me a spoon.

I plucked the lid off and set it aside. I had to admit the aroma of the chicken noodle soup made my stomach rumble.

“You’re not going to feed me?” I joked, dipping the spoon into the liquid.

He chuckled, brushing his hair out of his eyes. “I figured you’d hurt me if I tried. I’m kind of afraid of you.”

“You, the big bad star football player, are afraid of me?” I laughed.

“Hey, you can be scary,” he defended.

“I feel like I should be offended.” I lifted the spoon to my lips.

“Nah, I like the way you are. If I didn’t I wouldn’t be here right now.” His face grew serious and I knew he meant it.

“Thanks,” I whispered, lowering my head so he couldn’t see my eyes.

“Thanks? For what?” He was puzzled.

I slowly lifted my head and forced myself to look at him. “For staying with me today. I know I was kind of a bitch this morning but I’m glad you’re here.”

His smiled widened and his eyes lit up. “Anything for you, Sunshine.”

“Why do you like me?” I asked. I couldn’t seem to stop the words from spilling from my mouth. I wanted to know. I wasn’t the nicest person, not anymore, and Cade…he was amazing.

He chuckled and leaned his head against the wall. “Because I see more than you think I do and I like what I see.” He turned his head towards me. “One day you’ll tell me what weighs so heavily on your shoulders. And you know what, Rae?”

“What?” I whispered.

“It won’t change anything for me.”

My hands shook and a little bit of soup sloshed over the side. “You don’t know me.”

“I beg to differ.” His blue eyes flicked up to mine. “I think we’ve done a mighty fine job of getting to know each other the past few weeks. We’re friends, Rae, and yeah I want more with you. I’m not going to hide that fact.”

“But why?” I gasped. “Y-you could have any girl you wanted, why me?”

He shrugged. “Those girls don’t want me for me. Things are different with you.”

“How can you be so sure?” I countered. “What if I’m just like those other girls?”

“Are you?” He asked, his lips twitching with the threat of a smile.

“No,” I answered, staring down at the soup that was rapidly growing cold.

“Exactly.” He nodded. “Being around you, it’s refreshing. Even if you never wanted an actual relationship with me I think I could be content with this…with being your friend.”

“Really?” I raised a brow in disbelief.

He chuckled, rubbing his jaw. “I could try.”

“I-I would like more with you,” I admitted and my heart lurched when his face lit up, “but I’m not ready for that.”

His face fell and he nodded. “I understand.”

“Do you?” I asked.

“Not really,” he admitted, “but I can respect that you have a reason.”