“I’ll see you tomorrow, since we have plans and all,” he winked, turning my world upside down.

“Y-yeah, tomorrow,” I stuttered.

He chuckled and the lawnmower started up once more.

I shook my head and went back to the swing set in my yard.

“I knew it,” Sarah chimed, clapping her hands together.

I made no comment. Instead I looked over at the boy next door and let myself dream of what a future with him might be like.


I couldn’t move when I woke up. At first I figured that was because of the way I’d wrapped the blankets around me, but I quickly realized that I was wrong.

Cade hadn’t listened to me at all.

That little liar had waited until I fell asleep and gotten in bed with me. He wasn’t under the covers, but he’d still managed to wrap his arms around me and put one of his legs between mine. His breath tickled my neck as he slept.

I should of woken him up, but I didn’t.

Instead, I stared at him like a complete weirdo. I’d never really allowed myself to study his face, but now that I had my chance I wasn’t going to miss this opportunity.

Since he was sleeping the cut of his chin and the angles of his cheekbones seemed softer.

A lock of hair fell over his eyes and wiggled my hand out to brush it away. His hair was surprisingly smooth between my fingers. Unable to help myself I brushed my finger down the straight line of his nose and over the curve of his lips.


I jumped, pulling my hand back.

“What are you doing?” He cracked an eye open.

“Uh…” I had no explanation for what I was doing and he knew it.

He smirked. “Speechless? That’s a new one.”

I guessed it was.

“At least you didn’t push me out of bed. I was expecting that,” he chuckled, raising up to peer down at me.

“There’s still time.” My voice sounded breathless with want and it pissed me off. I was sick and regardless I shouldn’t want Cade. But I did. Oh God, I did. How could I not? He was nice, and funny, and hot, and a million other things wrapped into one. I’d have to be a fucking nun not to be attracted to him. It didn’t mean I was going to act on it though.

Cade eased out of bed, careful not to kick me with his long legs. He pulled on his boots and my heart froze. He was leaving. Why did that thought fill me with such sadness?

“I’m going to get you some soup. I won’t be gone long,” he started towards the door.

I sat up, pulling my hair over my shoulder. “Okay.” I forced a smile. “Thanks, Cade.”

He tapped his fingers against the half-open door, his eyes oddly serious as he looked at me. “It’s no trouble at all.”

He ducked his head and the door clicked closed behind him.

While he was gone I decided to shower. No way was I doing that with him around.

I took an extra long time washing my hair and scrubbing my body. After being sick all night I didn’t smell pleasant. I wondered how Cade had been able to ignore it.

I watched the white soapsuds swirl down the drain before turning off the water. I pulled a towel around my body and brushed my hair so that it didn’t tangle and I ended up looking like Medusa. That was something no one wanted to see. I padded into my room and changed into a pair of sweatpants and a baggy shirt. I had just climbed back into bed when Cade returned. Thank God I’d been dressed. I couldn’t imagine how mortified I’d feel if he saw me naked.