He stared at me and I stared right back.

The waitress came back by and he handed her his credit card.

“You didn’t need to do that,” I told him.

“I know,” he grinned. “Now just sit back and say thank you.”

I sighed, fighting the urge to kick him beneath the table. “Thank you, Cade. The meal was delicious and I enjoyed spending time with you.” I meant it too.

His grin spread. “I enjoyed spending time with you too.”

My fingers tangled together and I looked away, unable to handle another second of his stare.

The waitress returned with his credit card and after signing the slip we headed out to his Jeep.

“So,” he started, shoving his hands in the pockets of his jeans, “does this mean I might get to take you on a real date?”

I stopped walking and leveled him with a glare. “Don’t push your luck.” I liked Cade way more than I should already, anything that might lead to more had to be avoided at all costs.

He chuckled and lifted his arms in mock defense. “Hey, I had to ask.” He reached out and opened the passenger door for me. I climbed inside and swore I felt his eyes on my butt.

Once he got in he turned the heat up and rested his elbow on the armrest. His hand was dangerously close to mine. If I was a different girl—one who hadn’t been through what I had—Cade would be the perfect guy, and instead of running from him at every turn I’d open my arms and embrace him. I was scared though—terrified, really—of what he would think of me if he knew the truth. The best course of action was to distance myself from him, but I knew it would be impossible. Not only because Cade was unavoidable, but because I’d actually come to like him.

The drive back to campus was peaceful.

He parked the Jeep and unbuckled his seatbelt. “I’ll walk you to the door so I know you get in safe.” He climbed out of the car and met me on the other side. Together we headed towards the dorm in the distance.

At the door I stopped. “Thanks,” I smiled, looking up at him. “For walking me to the door and for dinner. I…I had a good time.”

“Good,” he grinned. He leaned his solid shoulder against the glass door so I couldn’t open it.

I stood still, waiting for whatever he might do or say next, because with Cade you never knew.

Only a few seconds had passed when he lifted his fingers to my cheek. My eyes closed and my lips parted with a breath as his fingers ghosted against my skin. His touch felt like the most delicious kind of torture.

“Goodnight, Rae.”

I blinked my eyes open slowly and saw him already walking back to his Jeep.

“Goodnight, Cade,” I whispered, lifting my fingers to my cheek. I’d never known a simple caress could make your whole body soar with feelings, but Cade apparently had a magic touch.


“I hate your brother and he needs to crawl in a hole and die before I kill him myself,” I snapped at Thea, as I hunched over the toilet. I’d spent all night sick with stupid food poisoning and I still wasn’t feeling better.

Thea stood in the doorway frowning. “I’ll give him the memo.”

“You do that,” I assured her. I flushed the toilet and brushed my teeth for at least the twentieth time since I’d gotten sick. “I’m going back to bed.”

“And I’m going to class.” She pulled on a jacket and grabbed her backpack. “I’ll check on you at lunch and see if you want anything to eat.”

I gagged at the mention of food. “That’s unlikely.” I planned to never eat again.

I burrowed my way into the fort of blankets on my bed. I rolled around until they were wrapped so tightly around me that I’d have to cut my way out. Sleep had been pretty much nonexistent last night and there was no way I’d make it through class today. I was just going to have to suck it up and miss. That was upsetting, but I didn’t have a choice.

I was close to drifting asleep when someone knocked on the door.

I held my breath, hoping they’d go away, but then they knocked again.