Up we went and I felt his eyes on me, but I refused to look at him. I kept my eyes focused on the stars above and prayed he couldn’t see my heart pounding in my throat.

The wind was cool on my face and I found myself shivering.

Cade lifted his arm and wrapped it around me, drawing me even closer. His warmth enveloped me and my breath left me in a shaky gasp.

“I’m not trying to make a move,” he whispered, like he sensed my unease, “but I could tell you were cold and it’s not like I can take my jacket off and give it to you.” He lifted his shoulders in a small shrug and used his free hand to point to where we were strapped in.

“Where are your friends?” I asked, desperate to steer the topic away from the fact that his arm was wrapped around me.

“They were getting something to eat.”

“Thea was getting us water,” I blurted, “she’s probably worried about me.”

Cade chuckled and his breath stirred the hair on top of my head. “We’ll have to find her once we get off this thing then.”

I nodded in agreement.

It grew quiet between us and neither of us seemed to know what to say. It surprised me that for once Cocky Cade seemed to be at a loss for words.

I looked around us and I’d thought the kaleidoscope of colors had been brilliant on the ground, but from above like this it was even better.

My mouth was gaped in awe like a small child. I

’d been to carnivals before, but I’d never let myself appreciate one. I’d been too focused on other things.

Too soon we were getting off the Ferris Wheel and going in search of Thea and the guys. A part of me wanted to get back on and escape the world for a little bit longer.

Cade didn’t try to hold my hand—which I was thankful for, but also found surprising.

After five minutes of looking we found all of them sitting at a picnic table eating hotdogs. My stomach rumbled at the sight.

I sat down beside Thea and tried not to drool on her food like a hungry dog.

“Here,” she handed me a water bottle, “got this for you.”

“Thanks.” I replied, twisting off the lid.

“I couldn’t find you, but it seems someone else did.” Her eyes flicked across the table to her brother who grinned in response.

I shrugged. “Yeah. He wanted to go on the Ferris Wheel.”

“Of course he did,” she muttered, dipping a fry in…was that mayonnaise? Ew.

Cade drummed his hands against the table. “I’m going to get some food, you want anything?” He asked me.

I turned away from Thea to face him. “I can get my own food.”

“I’ll get you a hotdog.” He grinned and pushed away from the table.

Jace and Xander looked up from their food at me. “Can you believe it?” Xander asked Jace.

“Nope,” Jace replied, shoving a fistful of fries in his mouth.

“What?” I asked, since it was clear whatever they were referring to had something to do with me.

“Nothing,” Xander shrugged.

“Bullshit,” I muttered.