
“I don’t know what to wear.” Thea pouted with her hands on her hips as she stared into her overflowing closet.

I quirked an eyebrow and peered over her shoulder. “It looks to me like you have plenty of options.”

She wrinkled her nose. “Not really.”

I sighed. She’d already been standing there shuffling through clothes for a good thirty minutes. It was safe to say that she was tap-dancing across my last nerve.

“Come on, Thea,” I groaned, not even bothering to try to hide how irritated I was. “Just pick something and put it on so we can go.”

“Okay, okay,” she intoned, picking a random dress off a rack.

Despite the fact that I was standing there she stripped down to her underwear and slipped the dress on. It was a pretty pale blue with flowers on it. She fluffed her hair and touched up her makeup.

“Reeeadddy,” she sing-songed.

I stared at her for a moment and then glanced at myself in the floor-length mirror she had on her side of the room.

It was safe to say I looked like a piece of crap next to Thea. I was dressed in a worn pair of jeans and a black t-shirt. My curly hair was all over the place and I’d smeared on the bare minimum of makeup.

True, Thea had taken a lot longer to get ready than me, but she looked stunning.

“Why are you staring at me?” She asked. “Do I have lipstick on my teeth?” She swiped a finger over her teeth.

“No, you’re good,” I assured her. “I was just thinking that it’s completely unfair that you look like that, and I’m well…me.” I waved to my drab attire.

She smiled slowly. “Why don’t you let me dress you? I’m sure I have something that’ll work for you.”

Considering I was five-foot ten and Thea couldn’t be more than five-foot four I doubted she had anything that would fit me. I was slender all over and she had the kind of curves girls envied and guys drooled over.

“I doubt your clothes would fit me,” I told her.

She waved a hand dismissively. “We’ll make it work.”

She shuffled through her clothes once more. “Aha,” she grinned, producing a short and flowy mint green dress.

“I don’t think that will cover my ass,” I stated. The thing was really that short and it would be even shorter on me.

She rolled her eyes and thrust the dress into my hands. “Just put it on. If it’s indecently short then that’s what tights are for.”

Clearly there was no arguing with Thea. She had an answer for everything.

I slipped into the dress and surprisingly it wasn’t that short on me. It still exposed a lot of leg, but I wasn’t worried about flashing anyone my lady bits.

“See?” Thea clapped her hands together. “I knew it would work. Now sit.” She pointed to the bed.

I did as she asked an

d she began to braid my unruly hair to the side. A few shorter pieces escaped and framed my face.

“You’re so pretty, Rae. It’s not fair.”

I resisted the urge to snort at those words coming from Thea.

After she finished with my hair she raided my closet for shoes. I didn’t have many options that would match the dress so she settled on my lone pair of black flats.

She handed them over and gave me a look—the kind of look that said I was in trouble.