“Well,” I wiggled, trying to get comfortable, “I see myself marrying you one day, preferably after college, and having cute little redhead bab

ies,” I laughed, reaching up to tangle my fingers in his hair.

“I want that too, Rachael. I want to grow old with you by my side.” Maybe it was a strong declaration to make at sixteen years old, but I knew Brett meant it. I never doubted his feelings for me. I knew he was it for me. I would never love another guy the way I loved Brett. It just wasn’t possible. This was once in a lifetime.

“Hey,” Thea snapped her fingers in front of my face. Once she had my attention she asked, “Where’d you go?”

“Nowhere,” I sighed, looking away so she couldn’t see the moisture in my eyes. I didn’t know what was making the memories so much worse today, but I had a pretty good idea that it had something to do with Cade and the feelings he stirred inside me.

She sat back on the lounger and eyed me. “You zone out a lot,” she stated.

It was true.

“Yeah,” I agreed. There was no point in lying.

She stared at me as if she was waiting for me to elaborate. She shouldn’t hold her breath.

Luckily I was saved from saying anything more thanks to the guy who showed up beside Thea. He grabbed a chair and smiled at me before turning his attention to her. Immediately her fair cheeks flared with a blush. She sat up and leaned towards him. I didn’t think she even noticed that she was trying to get closer to him.

I couldn’t blame her though. The guy was gorgeous, but he didn’t compare to Cade in my opinion.

He had light brown hair and heavy scruff covered his cheeks and chin but it wasn’t enough to be considered a beard. He had searing brown eyes and an easy smile. He seemed friendly enough and not a creeper. Thea seemed to know him.

“Hi, Xander,” she looked up at him and—I kid you not—batted her lashes.

“Thea,” he nodded, fighting a grin. “You are?” He lifted his gaze to me.

“Rae,” I answered, looking between the two. “Thea’s roommate.”

“Ah,” he nodded. “I’m Xander.”

“Oh,” She shook her head, as if just now realizing I was still here. “This is Xander,” she looked at me and pointed at the guy.

I laughed. “Yeah, he just told me.”

“Oh,” she said again and her cheeks reddened. “Right.” Biting her lip she looked at Xander and back to me. “Xander is a friend of Cade’s, we grew up together.”

Now I understood. Someone was crushing on her brother’s best friend. That sounded messy and complicated, but from the looks he was giving her the feelings were reciprocated.

“Interesting,” I commented when it became obvious I needed to say something.

Satisfied, Thea turned back to Xander and began chatting away.

It wasn’t long before another guy showed up. His name was Jacen but he went by Jace. He was good looking—I was beginning to think that was a requirement to go to this school—with straight blond hair. He had piercing green eyes and an overall broody vibe to him. A colorful tattoo covered the whole sleeve of one of his arms. He sat in a chair beside Xander, a beer bottle dangling from his fingertips. Apparently he was a friend of Cade and Xander’s. Like me, he didn’t seem to belong here. Not in his black jeans and white shirt. He kept glaring at anyone that stared at him for too long.

It wasn’t long until Cade joined us. I didn’t even see him approach. I felt him. His presence was that potent.

It bothered me that without even trying he’d managed to needle his way under my skin.

Instead of grabbing a chair he sat down on the end of the lounger I occupied.

I promptly pulled my legs up to my chest.

He chuckled, his gaze flicking my way as a strand of hair fell into his eyes. A knowing smile tugged up his lips.

He didn’t acknowledge my reaction for which I was thankful.

He fell into easy conversation with the others and I ignored them for the most part. While they chatted I looked around at all the people gathered. There had to be at least a hundred people. I’d been to large parties before, but now I just felt out of place. I wasn’t sure where I belonged anymore. I was lost, floating away at sea.