“I have to go change,” I tell her, and dash back to my room.

I throw on a pair of my favorite sweats, a jog bra, and a loose T-shirt. I know I’ll have to change when I get there, so I don’t see the point in trying to look cute.

I dig in my closet for

the backpack I packed, probably a year ago now, so I’d be ready at a moment’s notice when the hospital finally called with a kidney. Inside, I have several pairs of pajama shorts and tops, my toothbrush and toothpaste, an old hairbrush, and other miscellaneous things I thought it would be important to have with me.

I throw my hair up into a sloppy ponytail to get it out of my way. A light sweat has broken out across my skin as I’ve rushed around.

I look around my room for anything else I might need.

My bedroom door is nudged open, and Perry wags his tail as he comes inside.

“Hey, boy.” I smile from ear to ear. “I’m getting a kidney.” I pet him.nbsp;

I can’t keep the giddy tone from my voice. I begin to cry again.

It’s impossible to describe the feeling of elation. I’m quite positive nothing in the world could ever make me as happy and grateful as I am now. I’ve never understood the meaning of the word blessed until now, but that’s exactly how I feel.

My life is about to change in about an hour.

My life is being saved.

Unless you’ve experienced this, or know someone who has, you can’t possibly begin to imagine how life saving it is.

My heart thunders in my ears and Perry looks up at me seemingly confused by my tears but happy tone.

I’ve waited for this day for so long. I hoped for it and imagined what it’d feel like, but nothing I could’ve thought up truly compares to what it actually feels like.nbsp;

Wishing for this day led me to believe it was never going to happen. That I was destined to live my life on dialysis.nbsp;

But each day, each treatment, has brought me closer to this moment.

To the moment when I finally get to live again.

When I’m free of tubes and wires.

When I don’t have to take my blood pressure constantly.

When I don’t have to take pills every time I eat.

When I don’t have to think about these things all day long.

I get to be me again.nbsp;

Yes, my life will never be the same, but at least it’ll be an actual life and not half of one.

I stuff my feet into a pair of flip-flops and nearly trip myself up.

I catch myself against the wall then Perry looks at me with his tongue lolling out of his mouth like he’s laughing at me.

Straightening my backpack, I meet everyone else in the hallway. By some miracle, we’re all ready at the same time.

We rush downstairs and tumble into my dad’s Mercedes SUV.

I sit beside Harlow in the back. She looks as excited as I am but scared too.

Reaching over, I take her hand in mine and squeeze. She smiles back at me.