Poor Spencer doesn’t know what’s coming for him, but he seems like a nice guy, maybe he could tame Meredith.

Harlow glances at me with a worried look and I shake my head.

I’m not interested in Spencer, not like that, at least. But it does feel nice to be around someone new. Harlow doesn’t need to get worried about me being jealous. I don’t feel anything for Spencer other than a growing fondness.

“I’m Meredith

,” she says, releasing his hand.

Spencer glances at me with a look that says he knows he’s in trouble with this one and I laugh.

We leave our cars parked where they are and walk the mile to the beach.

It’s a cooler day, in the high sixties, with a strong breeze making it feel cooler.

“Are you ready for graduation?” I ask Spencer.

He shrugs, his hands shoved deep into his khaki cargo shorts. “Yeah, in a lot of ways I am ready. It’s the next step, you know, but it’s scary too.”

Meredith makes a noise. “I’m shocked to hear a guy say that.”

He snorts. “What? We can’t have feelings and worry about things too? This is a big thing. College. Work. Adulthood. I don’t know about you guys but I feel sorely unprepared. Like, how do I know how to do taxes? Or balance a checkbook? Or … loads of other shit.” He ruffles the back of his hair nervously. “There’s a lot to think about.”

“Have you decided on a college?” Harlow asks him.

“SMC,” he answers. “I don’t want to leave home. I love it here too much. I can’t imagine living somewhere else, even for only a few years. What about you guys?” he asks Meredith and me.

“I’m not sure,” I answer honestly. “I got into several places, some here and some where I’d have to leave, but I honestly don’t know if I’m cut out for college. I don’t know what I want to do with the rest of my life. Going to college scares me. I don’t want to be trapped doing something I hate, but I don’t want to not get an education, either. I’ll have to decide what I’m doing soon.”

Spencer shrugs and gives me a sympathetic look. “You could give yourself another year, you know? You don’t have to decide anything right now. It’s a big decision and it should be your decision. Do what your heart tells you.”

I smile. “Thank you.”

“Not a problem.” He grins back. “And what about you?” He turns to Meredith.

“I’m planning to go to UCLA.”

“Really?” He raises a brow in inquiry.

“What?” she questions a little snappily. “Do I not look smart?”

“No, it’s not that. It’s … that’s a tough school. I’m not surprised, but I am impressed.”

Her smile returns at that.

“Do you skateboard a lot?” I ask him. “I don’t think I could ever do that. I’d fall flat on my face.”

“It’s not that hard, I promise you.” He laughs. “You might like it. If you guys ever want to try it, my friends and I would be happy to teach you.”

Meredith looks stricken at the idea but quickly sobers. “That might be … fun.”

He laughs, taking note that fun wasn’t the word she wanted to use. “We’d go easy on you. No crazy tricks.”

“Sounds fun to me,” Harlow pipes in.

We reach the beach, and instead of stopping on the sand, we continue on to the pier where there’s more to do. It’s the weekend, so the pier is busy with locals and tourists. It’s nothing compared to how it’ll be in only a few short weeks when summer vacation season hits.

It becomes nearly impossible to get around.