“What!” he laughed.

“You are a mess!” I squealed.

“I know,” he grinned.

We walked back to the campsite stumbling because we were laughing so hard. It was nice to have a friend like Isaac even if it did complicate my life.

Chapter Thirteen: A taste of the Forbidden Fruit

Several weeks went by and Selena never showed up. Everyone was relaxing and settling into a daily pace. Everything was normal or at least to everyone else it was but I knew the storm was coming. Selena might be backing off right now, but she was a killer, and she knew that if she backed off her prey would get comfortable and therefore vulnerable. But I was more prepared than ever. Isaac has been working with me every day for the past three weeks. I was a more skilled fighter now and getting more skilled every day. My arms and legs were getting hard with muscle and I could even feel my stomach getting firmer. I no longer dreaded my fighting sessions with Isaac and instead I looked forward to them. I liked thinking that I would be prepared if Selena ever got a hold of me again and I also liked getting to spend one on one time with Isaac. I knew I was playing with fire by spending time with Isaac but I didn’t want to stop either. But I knew that every day I spent with Isaac my feelings were growing stronger.

The end of June was already here and at each passing day the weight on my chest seemed to get heavier. Whatever was coming would be soon. While the others may be getting comfortable in their surroundings I was getting more uncomfortable by the day.

I slept lightly, with a sword, which Isaac gave me, clutched to my chest.

The first night that I came to the tent with the sword and made to go to sleep with it clutched to my chest Jonathon had lightly made fun of me but upon seeing my face he had quickly ceased his banter and hadn’t said anything about it since.

And as each day passed I became more and more somber. Jonathon knew that there was something eating at me but he also knew better than to ask. After all it’s kind of hard to say, “hey, I have this ‘feeling’ that we’re walking into a trap but it might all be in my head,” it’s not exactly the thing you readily spit out. Even if I said something it wouldn’t do much good what with all these stubborn vampires and the Coven around. To complicate matters I don’t think Aleksei believes a word that comes out of my mouth.

As if responding to my onslaught of morose thoughts a cold hand ran gently down my face.

I looked up into the comforting silver eyes of Jonathon. He cupped my chin in his hand and used his thumb to trace my lips.

“What plagues your mind my principessa?” He asked, his eyes were soft.

“Nothing,” I said.

He chuckled. “My love, you carry a part of my soul within you, I know when you are upset and the wrinkle in your brow only appears when you’re thinking something really hard that is unpleasant,” he said putting his thumb to my brow as if to smooth out the crease that was there.

I laughed, “It’s nothing, really.” I said trying to brush him off.

“You know, nothing, usually means something,” he said.

“Well, this time nothing actually does mean nothing.”

“I don’t believe you,” he said staring at me. I knew he was trying to get inside my head but I had a wall up blocking him.

“Can you just drop it, Jonathon?” I snapped. He took his hand from my face and a hurt look crossed his features.

“I’m sorry,” I mumbled, ashamed of myself, “But there are just some things I have to sort out in my head.” He didn’t say anything which just made me feel worse.

Not looking at me or saying anything he unzipped our tent and left, zipping it back behind him.

God, why did have to be such a bitch?

Here was Jonathon who had always been my angel, always been there for me, and I was always snapping at him or so it seemed. I didn’t deserve him.

And on top of everything else my confused thoughts of my feelings for Isaac always plague our relationship. As much as I’d like to pretend he didn’t, Jonathon sensed that my feelings for Isaac were more than just that of friendship. As much as I’d like to convince myself that I had no feelings for Isaac they were there sure and strong.

I pulled my knees against my chest and cried. A lot. The kind of sobs that make your chest hurt and your eyes burn. I wiped the last of my tears away and unzipped the tent.

I looked around but Jonathon was nowhere to be seen. I saw Benji whom I assumed had been posted as my guard. I hugged my arms close to my chest in an effort to hold myself together. I was falling to pieces right before my eyes. Jonathon was the glue that held me together and each time we fought a piece of me broke away. I headed towards the Coven’s side of camp to find Isaac. If I could find Isaac I might be able to find some sort of peace and comfort.

I stumbled like a drunk across the camp holding myself together. The tracks of my tears still clung to my face black as night from my mascara. I didn’t see any of the other members of the Coven and was immensely thankful.

“Ky,” came a soft voice.

“Is,” I said before I threw myself into his arms.