I gasped and a huge smile lit my face. Surprise indeed.

Chapter Two: Surprise

“Adam! Aiden!” I squealed running into the open waiting arms of my brothers. “I can’t believe you guys came!” I exclaimed as they released me.

“It’s all thanks to this guy,” Adam said giving Jonathon that half-hug that guys do.

“Yeah, if it weren’t for him we wouldn’t have made it.” Aiden added.

I looked over at Jonathon.

“Surprise,” He said quietly; shrugging his strong shoulders slightly.

“Thank you,” I said taking his hand and squeezing it lightly. I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him despite my big brothers standing only feet away.

I had wished to have my brothers here with me on my birthday but I hadn’t dreamed it would happen.

“Where’s mom?” Adam asked.

All the color drained from my face. My mouth went dry, my tongue like sandpaper. I could feel the sweat beading on my brow.

I wracked my brain quickly for a plausible excuse. I had never been much of a liar but I had better learn fast.

I bit my lip nervously, “Um… she’s sick. Yep, really, really, sick. Nasty infection. It’s… uh… contagious so she had to stay…um … home.” I said stumbling upon my words like an incoherent child.

Adam looked at me quizzically. He knew I was lying and I squirmed underneath his gaze.

Jonathon tried to cover for me.

“Terrible sickness, it’s a wonder Kylie hasn’t gotten sick. But I assure you it is not a pretty sight but hopefully she’ll be better in a couple of days.” Jonathon said smoothly. Adam was looking at Jonathon completely dazed. I had a feeling mind control was being used.

I had to do something. He was extremely suspicious. Sounded Jonathon’s voice in my head. Since Selena had kidnapped me Jonathon and I had been using our mental voices to communicate at times.

I took the moment to look around at the house. They had kept it simple to which I was relieved. The theme was peacock feathers; they’re sort of my thing.

Glass vases filled with peacock feathers were scattered around the cozy family room. A fire crackled warmly in the fire place. A cake shaped and colored like a peacock feather rested on the coffee table along with a pile of gifts.

Happy tears threatened to brim over my eyes. I didn’t deserve this. They were much too kind to me.

And who exactly is supposed to eat all of that? I asked Jonathon telepathically.

Don’t worry we’ll put on a show like we’re eating. Danny and Mason will probably eat all of it anyway. He said back.

You’re probably right. I said laughing silently in my head remembering how they devoured the pancakes this morning and how I had no doubt they’d do the same with the cake. It would be like watching semi-evolved c

avemen hunt. Minus the loincloths of course.

We all hung out and talked. I was amazed at how well the Pulmer’s managed to act human. They managed to mingle with my brothers and have my brothers never suspect a thing. I was shocked at how my brothers were so at ease with them; I would have thought that my brothers would have thought it was odd how I always seemed to be with the Pulmer’s and not with our mother. But they accepted the Pulmer’s as if they were already family. Jonathon as if he were a brother. I would have thought that they would have run him through the mill because he’s my boyfriend and they’re my brothers and as brothers that’s what they do. But they approved of him and that warmed my heart.

“Come on Kylie let’s have some cake and then you can open your presents!” said Diana standing up slower than normal; trying to give the impression of a human. She disappeared into the kitchen. She reappeared a moment later with a cake knife, candles, and a lighter. This time Jonathon wouldn’t be lighting them with his power.

She placed the knife on the table and then began to strategically place eighteen candles into the peacock feather shaped cake. Jonathon took the lighter from her and lit the candles. They burned brightly in the dim room.

They all gathered in a circle around the coffee table on which the cake sat.

“Ready? 1, 2, 3,” said Diana as they broke into singing happy birthday this time in English.

“Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Kylie, Happy Birthday to you!” They sang. All the Pulmer’s had perfect voices. The song was only marred by my brothers rather loud, very off key, voices.