“What?” I asked.

“It’s time,” said Gabriel.

“How do you know?” I asked.

“I just do. I can feel it. We have to go now and we can’t be seen. There may be a leak in the Coven members here so we’re giving them a false lead. They just left. We’re heading closer to home.”

“Wait,” I said, “Isaac is here.”

“Not anymore,” said Gabriel shouldering our bags.

“Isaac can’t be the leak!” I shrieked.

Gabriel grabbed my wrist, “Kylie, anyone could be the leak. Even Isaac.”

“Even you,” I replied sharply pulling my arm away.

“Not likely,” he said, “I am a man of honor.”

“And Isaac isn’t?” I hissed.

“We aren’t targeting anybody, Kylie. We have no idea who the leak is. It could be Isaac. It could not be. The point is we don’t know.”

“Fine,” I said crossing my arms. I was mad and I wanted everyone to know.

We slipped quietly out of the room and down the steps to the waiting car. Danny was already at the wheel. Mason was nowhere to be seen.

Gabriel and I slid into the back.

“Where’s Mason?” I asked.

“He’ll be here. He was dealing with the complication,” said Danny.

“What complication?” I asked picturing something horrible.

“He’s taking care of the body and paying the clerk a large amount of money to pretend we were never here.”

Startled I sat back in the seat. Within minutes Mason emerged and climbed in the car. Before he could close the door Danny was speeding off. I was exhausted. I hadn’t had a chance to get any sleep and it looked like we would be driving for a very long time. The car was warm and the gentle thrum of the engine slowly rocked me to sleep. I let my eyes drift closed and soon the car and the pain from head disappeared into oblivion. I was beginning to think that the only sleep I was ever going to get was going to be in a car.

I awoke sometime later to the sound of Jonathon’s voice, “Principessa, wake up,” he said gently shaking me. I thought my desire for Jonathon was conjuring him to my thoughts and ignored the voice. “Wake up,” he said again. I finally opened my eyes.

Jonathon was sitting in the car next to me. Gabriel was driving and Joseph was in the passenger seat. By the light streaming in through the tinted windows I deduced that it was mid afternoon.

“How long did I sleep?” I asked.

“A whole day,” he replied. Seeing my shock he said, “You had every reason to be exhausted. We’ve been on the run and then after the shock of seeing what you did it’s no wonder that your body finally gave in.”

So I had slept through the rest of the night, or I guess by that time it would have been really earlier in the morning and through that whole day and night only to wake up now. Luckily I felt refreshed. Jonathon was right. I was human and my body had just finally decided it couldn’t take anymore and so it sank into oblivion. I was kind of thankful. It was nice not to have had to worry for the past day and a half.

“Why are you here?” I asked. “I thought you had to stay away from me.”

He sighed, “I decided that I wasn’t going to let her tear us apart. I couldn’t be without you anymore and it was killing me to have you in someone else’s care. I guess I don’t think anybody can protect you as well as I can. Sorry Gabriel,” he chuckled.

Gabriel laughed, “It’s okay. I understand where you’re coming from.”

“Where are we?” I asked.

“Almost home,” said Jonathon, “Since you kept sleeping we only stopped for gas.”