“The blond vampire.”

“And what was it to do with the blond vampire?”

“Make her fall in love with someone else.”

I looked at Isaac and he went stone white.

“Do you know where Selena is?”


“When did you last see her?”

“A month or two ago.”

“Where did you last see her?”


“Did Selena mention where she was heading?”


“Have you had any correspondence with Selena since you last saw her?”


“Were you supposed to meet with Selena again?”

“Yes,” she replied wincing as the words escaped her lips against her will. She was clearly fighting Gabriel’s power with all the strength she had.


“When I succeeded in my task.”

“Did she say where to meet her?”

“She said she would find me,” said the girl in a whisper.

Gabriel looked at Jonathon. “Do you have any questions for her that I may have over-looked?”

“No,” said Jonathon.

Gabriel looked back at the girl named Millie.

“I’m going to kill you now. You will not fight me. You will give your life up willingly,” said Gabriel in that same bland hypnotic voice.

“Okay,” she said in her sing-song childlike voice.

Gabriel walked up to her and put his hands around her head. One cupping the back of her head the other her neck as if in a lover’s embrace.

Jonathon tried to shield me so that I wouldn’t be able to see the scene about to take place before me but I was riveted.

Gabriel pulled and her head gave way with a sickening sound like a twig being snapped and paper being shredded. It reminded me of my father’s death by Selena.

He dropped her head to the ground and like the rest of her body broke into hundreds of glass-like pieces.

Before sulking off, Gabriel gave Jonathon a significant look. Jonathon understood.