He chuckled. “Anger does not become of you, my love,” He said, already striding away. My eyes narrowed to slits and burned holes into the back of his skull.

“This way, Kylie, the Coven has already set up a latrine,” said Diana leading me into the woods and to the left.

Oh, dear, I thought, rolling my eyes at the darkening sky.

Diana directed me to the latrine and the disappeared. I knew she could still hear me but couldn’t see me.

I squatted and peed as quickly as I could. Unfortunately, I had started my period. That was my luck. Have your period in the middle of the woods. Thank the lord I had been expecting its arrival and had a tampon in my pocket.

Let me tell you, it’s extremely difficult to insert a tampon when you’re in the woods, in the dark, with a bunch of creepy animals making creepy noises, you’re squatting, and your knees want to give out. But I did it.

I started walking in the direction we had come. Diana met me before I had gone three steps. She walked me back to the camp. We were silent.

She led me to the tent that was to be Jonathon’s and mine.

Jonathon had managed to find everything he had hoped to. There was an air mattress on the floor of the tent with a navy sleeping bag on one side and a purple one on the other. There were two pillows and a big down comforter. He had managed to procure a small lantern that gave the tent a homey coziness. Jonathon was stretched out across the navy sleeping bag; he had already removed his shoes and shirt. His chest gleamed in the moonlight.

I zipped the tent closed behind me. The lamp made his pale skin appear darker. I flopped onto the purple sleeping bag, never the graceful one. His arms wrapped around me, pulling me closer. His granite skin was a couple degrees warmer than it had been earlier.

“You ate,” I said, noticing his warm silver eyes, they had been getting consistently darker but now they were back to their warm silver gray color. I had noticed that since we’d been on the road he had been having to eat more. Could stress make a vampire hungrier? I guess it did. “How did you manage to do all of this and still eat in the time it took me to pee?”

“I’m a vampire,” he said simply. I chuckled, that was his answer to everything.

He held me close. I nuzzled my face into his neck and had the oddest sensation: to bite.

A startled breath escaped my lips as I pulled away from him, if he hadn’t let me I wouldn’t have been able to pull away from his vampire grip.

I moved to the far corner of the tent. As far away as I could get from him.

His hurt expression made me hurt but I was too terrified to comfort him.

“Principessa, what is wrong? Have I done something to upset you?” he asked and his eyes were questioning and hurt.

“No, of course not, it’s just that the, um. . . bloodlust thing hasn’t quite gone away,” I whispered and then bit my lip ashamed.

“Oh, principessa,” he whispered, looking pained.


“I’m sorry. I just can’t help it.” I sighed.

“I know, love, I know. I feel it too and it’s killing me,” he moaned burying his face in his hands.

I couldn’t make sense of the whole bloodlust thing. I could sit for hours at a time cuddled up next to him in the car and it didn’t bother me and then at other times his nearness made me crazy. Not crazy for him or his touch but for his blood. Blood! I wanted to drink his blood. It’s like I could see it in his veins. The blueness glowing in the soft light against his pale skin. I wanted to stick my teeth against his neck and devour that precious blue life force. I just knew that one droplet of it would make me stronger make me less human and more vampire.

Looking at his warm silver eyes, having been recently fed, I watched them go from pure silver to completely black with a silver ring around it.

“I’m sick of always fighting my desire,” he hissed around his now elongated teeth; instead of scaring me it actually turned me on.

“Then don’t fight it,” I said in a husky voice. I scooted closer to him. I swished my long dark locks away from my neck exposing the vulnerable skin there. I tilted my neck up and towards him. Blood pounded ferociously through my veins. I knew he could see it running through my veins and my heart pounding in fear and desire.

I needed him to drink my blood and in turn I needed to drink his. This feeling wasn’t fading like he had said it would. It was getting stronger. So, much stronger. It would be the ultimate sin if he was to sink his teeth into my neck and I was to drink his blood. We would be making the bond stronger. But I scooted even closer to him anyway. My chest was now pressed against his bare one. I had to crane my neck back to look into his silver and black eyes which exposed my vulnerable neck further.

All I knew was I needed this feeling that was bottled up inside me to be released and the only way for it to be released would be for him to drink from me. I hated myself for feeling this way. It was wrong for both of us. The consequences could be dangerous. Jonathon had told me bloodletting was addicting. We had only done it one time and that was to save my life over six months ago. How could we both still feel this, this desire? Shouldn’t it be gone by now?

But it wasn’t and I was sick of fighting it and I could tell he was too. It was causing us both pain and it was time for that pain to stop.

I sighed; my breath tickling his chin, teasing him, tempting him. His hands gripped me by the elbows like he wasn’t sure whether to pull me closer or push me away.