“Far from it Jonathon Matthew! It kills me inside when you say something like that. I do not want you or anyone else risking their lives for me.”

> “Someone has to kill her, Kylie. You know that. She’ll never stop. Ever since her soul mate, Andrew, died she has had only one thought. Killing my soul mate, you. I can’t let her do that. I almost lost you once and I’m not going to let that happen again. You are too important,” he said tracing the planes of my face with his smooth finger.

“But I’m not,” I said in a small voice.

“You don’t understand what you mean to me. You are my everything; my life. Without you there is nothing else for me. Without you I will become just as self-destructive as Selena. Only I hope someone will have the compassion to do what I didn’t do and kill me before I become a savage like Selena,” he spoke and his chest rose and fell heavily with his words like he was winded. Which obviously wasn’t the case since he didn’t need to breathe.

“You are too good to become a savage, Jonathon,” I said softly and traced his mouth with my index finger. He had the most perfect lips.

“It happens to all of us. But I’m not worried about myself I’m worried about you,” he said and his silver eyes glowed with emotion.

“Not this again,” I moaned. “Jonathon, there are more important things in this world than me.”

He looked thoughtful. “You’re right,” he said and I thought I might finally be getting through to him. He continued, “Chocolate gelato,” he grinned.

“Jonathon,” I whined. “You never take anything seriously. You can’t even eat chocolate gelato!”

“Yes, I do. I understand what you’re saying, I do. But I won’t lose you,” he said sobering.

“Don’t you see my point? I don’t want to lose you either. Or anyone else. I don’t want your family putting their life on the line for me.”

“Kylie, she has to die,” he said deadpan.

I let those words sink in. He was right. Until she’s killed Selena won’t only hunt me but hunt those I loved; she had already proved this fact by killing my dad. Fighting her or not fighting her there was always a chance of losing someone. Someone I loved. I sighed.

“You’re right. Like always,” I said in a grim voice. His face too, was set in a grim line. He put his hands on both sides of my face. He did not kiss me or move towards me. His eyes roved over my face and mine did the same to him. Memorizing every feature of it. After all, we might both be dead in a few weeks.

I had been running a tad late to school this morning but with Jonathon’s driving we had made it in plenty of time. I now sat in my science class wondering where Isaac was and trying to forget the serious talk about Selena, Jonathon and I had had this morning.

Just as the bell was ringing Isaac came running into class and toppling into his seat which he then proceeded to nearly fall out of. I steadied his chair before it fell over.

“Thank you, for that lovely entrance Mr. Friedmont,” said Ms. Cappet trying to stifle her laugh. Isaac blushed and looked around at the class who were all giving him curious glances. He shook his hair out of his face and placed his book bag on the desk.

My hand shot out and grabbed his arm. A gasp escaping my lips.

“Isaac! What is this?” I shrieked in a whisper, referring to the black lines snaking along the inside of his arm in an elaborate pattern.

“A tattoo,” he said.

“Well, that’s obvious. But why?” I begged to know.

“It was for my birthday,” he mumbled under his breath.

“Isaac,” I whined, “why would you want to ruin your body with a bunch of meaningless ink?”

“It isn’t meaningless. You wouldn’t understand,” he snapped. Clearly, something was bothering my only human friend and I intended to find out what it was.

“Try me,” I said giving him a small smile and looking at him in understanding.

“I can’t tell you. If I told you what it was for I would be breaking the oath,” he said in all seriousness.

“You’re joking right?” I looked into his blue eyes and knew the answer before he spoke it.

“I wish I was,” he sighed, his hair falling into his face and covering his blue eyes. He flicked the dyed dark blue strand over his eye so he could see me better. I had always like the way the dark blue strand blended in to his dark brown, almost black, hair.

“So, you can’t tell me what it’s for, then?” I said softly, trying not to call attention to us.

“No,” he said simply, looking down at his feet. Normally, I would have pressed the matter but I believed him and he didn’t need me asking a bunch of questions about something that was obviously none of my business.