Page 95 of Fallen (Fallen 1)

After Jonathon was gone for two weeks Isaac asked me if he was still visiting family. I told him that I assumed so but I hadn’t heard from Jonathon since he left so I couldn’t be sure. Isaac became like a big brother telling me that Jonathon didn’t deserve me for going off and leaving like that without a phone call. He said all the right things. The things I needed to hear even when the reality of the situation was harsh. I was beginning to think that Jonathon was never coming back.

I ventured downstairs in the hope of finding Diana. After a quick search I found her sitting in the window seat of the sun room. Her knees were pulled up towards her chest with a book propped on them.

“Diana,” I began. Ever since the day I came home from ditching school things between Diana and I had been rather icy.

“Yes,” she said without looking up from her book.

“I’m going to be going out with Isaac tonight. He said he’d pick me up at seven.”

“Okay,” she said still not looking at me.

“Well I wasn’t sure if special arrangements would need to be made because of my mom.”

“You should be fine as long as you stay on the end of the driveway nearest the road. I suggest you arrive at your home around six fifty to six fifty-five if he arrives promptly. Patrick and Joseph will be there all day so you should be safe.”

I didn’t say anything in reply as tears had just sprung into my eyes. Would Diana ever stop acting like this? Everyone was giving me the cold shoulder especially recently, ever since Isaac and had become better friends and it was really hurting me. Going out with him tonight was probably not going to help the situation at all.

I trudged up the steps wiping my eyes as I went. I felt like all I did anymore was feel miserable and cry. I was sick and tired of being like this. I wished I could just suck it up and be strong but had always worn my heart on my sleeve.

Just as I closed my door the tears came pouring. I wiped them away as quickly as I could. I did not want to shed anymore tears over the Pulmer family.

I felt myself becoming extremely angry. I was tempted to shove all my belongings into a suitcase and find somewhere else to stay. Anymore I’ve felt like an unwelcome guest. A pest.

I looked at my watch. I had three hours until I was to meet Isaac. I grabbed my purse and headed to my car.

I drove around until I finally found the store I had fallen in love with when I was shopping with Diana. Aqua stood before me. I got out and went in hoping that I might be able to find a new outfit to where tonight.

I walked out an hour later with a new pair of jeans, a plain white shirt, and a navy band style blazer.

Luckily I found my way home with ease. When I went inside no one was around. I looked at the time and hastened up stairs to take a shower. If I was going to bother going out then I was going to take the time to look nice.

I took my shower as quickly as possible to insure I would have plenty of time to straighten my hair and put on makeup.

I put on my new outfit along with my red pair of pumps. I grabbed my peacock purse and scurried outside to my car. The time was six fifty. I needed to hurry.

I pulled into the drive way and jumped out of my car. I locked it behind me. I stood at the end of the driveway waiting for Isaac.

He showed up at exactly seven o’ clock. Unlike Jonathon Isaac didn’t get out and hold open my door for me. I climbed into his smart car.

“I’m so nervous,” He said as he pulled away from the driveway and started up the hill towards the Pulmer Mansion.

“You’ll be great,” I said trying to sound cheerful but ended up sounding fake.

“But what if something bad happens? What if I lose all my guitar picks or a wire snaps or I drop the microphone or-?”

“Isaac, seriously chill out. I know you’ll do great,” He nodded his head.

“Okay,” he said letting out a deep breath. He tried to smile but he faltered.

I noticed his knuckles turning white from his grip on the steering wheel.

He stopped in front of a brightly lit stone building with music thumping loudly from the walls.

He got out grabbing his guitar case which had been squished between us and heading towards the slender alleyway between the club and next building. I followed closely behind.

He entered the building through a side door.

The room that we entered in was plain with a black leather couch and chair. The rest of Isaac’s band had already arrived along with his sister. Tyson was tuning his guitar, Wayland was playing his bass, and Cullen was taping his drum sticks against the table. Isobel sat in the corner looking irritated as she glared at me.