Page 88 of Fallen (Fallen 1)

He began to pack up his stuff. “I’ll get going then,” he said. I stood up and put my book on the coffee table. I helped him gather up his lyrics and pens.

I walked him to the door. I was already starting to think of Isaac as a good friend, maybe we could even be best friends one day. “Bye Isaac, I’ll see you tomorrow,” I said opening the door. The afternoon sun shone brightly threw the open door.

“Bye Kylie can’t wait for science,” he said with a boyish grin, dimples appearing in his cheeks. I watched him walk to his smart car and drive away. “Our project should be the best.”

I bolted the door shut behind me. Now, I decided, was the time to pack up my things. It didn’t take long to put away my meager supply of things I had brought. I moved everything to the door and sat down in the chair to start reading again.

No more than I had sat down there was a knock at the door. I nearly jumped out of my skin from fright. Looking out the window in the living room that faced the driveway I saw Jonathon’s black Ford Mustang. I let out a breath I hadn’t known I was holding.

Excitement took over and I went running to the door. I swung it open and jumped into Jonathon’s waiting arms. He stumbled back surprised.

“You must have really missed me,” he said burying his face into my


“You have no idea,” I said as I wrapped my arms tighter around his wide, strong, shoulders. I navigated my lips to his. I pressed them firmly against his, as of yet, non responsive ones.

As soon as my lips met his I could feel his surprise. Then they parted beneath mine. Our kisses always seemed like stars breaking out across a night sky.

I started the kiss and he ended it. When he undid my arms that were around his neck and set me back on the ground I avoided eye contact. I was so embarrassed. I couldn’t believe I had just done that. I felt a blush creeping up my neck and onto my face. Jonathon seemed to notice.

“Don’t be embarrassed love. We have to get out of here quickly. I ran into a . . . um . . . detour,” He said. I wondered what the pauses were about. He lifted my bag and pillow into his arms. I went back inside grabbing my book from the coffee table hugging it to my chest. Jonathon was waiting at the door.

When I bent down to lock the door he said, “Don’t worry about locking it. They’ll be here in a couple of minutes.”

“Oh, okay,” I said letting the key thump back down against my chest instead of hiding it in my shirt.

Jonathon held the door to his car open for me. I loved his gentlemanly ways. He sped out of the driveway and up the curving hill and right into his driveway. It felt nice to be home.

As we reached the steps I heard a noise like several cars going by. I looked down from the top of the stairs to the road. It was the Pulmer’s and my mom. I choked on the word mom even thinking it. Patrick was in the middle with my mom in his Mercedes. Danny was in front, leading the brigade, in what I assumed was his black H3. Mason behind him in his BMW Z4 Roadster. Then Joseph was behind Patrick in his dark blue corvette. Behind Joseph was Diana in her Lexus and Amelia bringing up the rear in her Mercedes. It was depressing seeing the lineup. I knew they were keeping Patrick and my mom in the middle to sort of barricade her in. Her face was pressed against the glass.

Her eyes were dark and sunken in. Her face was severely beautiful but hollow. Her cheeks were sunken in. She looked like the predator she had become. She seemed to notice my gaze and looked up to meet my eyes. Her lips drew back from her teeth and she appeared to be snarling. I saw Patrick give some sort of signal and they all sped up.

Jonathon turned around. I realized I had frozen to the steps. He looked up from my face to the line of cars. He growled and suddenly his arms were around my waist and rushing me into the house. As soon as the door closed behind us he grabbed me by my arms.

“Are you okay?” He asked.

“No.” I said but it sounded more like a question.

“Are you sure? I know it must be hard for you to see her,” he said.

“Yes,” I said strongly.

“Good,” He said. He pulled me to the couch and we both sat down.

“What’s going on?” I asked my face puzzled.

“Your mom has developed a power.”

“Really?” I asked.

“It’s a power that can be good and bad,” I nodded my head urging him to continue. “She has the power to shift. She can shift into almost any animal she wants to.”

“Okay,” I said dead pan.

“I thought she was going to try and kill you. The way she was looking at you it frightened me,” He said his voice catching.

“You don’t need to worry. She may be a vampire now but I still think that somewhere deep down a part of my mom is still there. I don’t think she’ll hurt me.”