Page 83 of Fallen (Fallen 1)

“See you,” I said as she left the room. I was already counting down the minutes until they would be back.

Her head poked back through the door. “Really, Kylie there’s no need to worry. Everything will work itself out. It always does,” Diana said and then she was gone.

I let out a sigh. Diana thought I was worried about my mom but really I was worried about myself. All I had to do was live till Sunday. I could do that, right? Gosh, I hoped so.

I began to pick up my bags to head downstairs. Jonathon came running in. “Here, let me get those,” He said taking the bags from me.

We walked out of my room and down the stairs together. We put my stuff in the trunk of my BMW. All the other cars were gone except the BMW and Jonathon’s Mustang. “Are you leaving now?” I asked.

“I’m going to follow you to your house and get you settled; then I’m leaving,” He said leaning against the open door to his Mustang. I nodded and got behind the driver’s side of my car.

I had some trouble backing out of the driveway. It was quite a maze. I finally managed it though and made the short drive to my mom’s house. Jonathon was out of his car before I was even in park.

I went to the door bending down to insert the key that was now around my neck. I swung the door open as Jonathon walked in all my bags in his arms. I went back to the car and grabbed my purse locking the car behind me. When I turned around Jonathon was standing behind me.

He grabbed me in his arms and pushed my back gently against the car; pinning me there. He looked me in the eyes. So, much love and worry showed in his beautiful silver eyes for me. Then his mouth was on mine in one swift motion. This kiss was more passionate than we had ever shared. But this kiss also seemed to hide his panic. But his panic at what? He kissed me longer and deeper, more insistent as if this would be our last kiss, our last embrace. He broke the kiss and looked me in the eyes again. I could just drown in their silvery depths. “I love you,” He said.

“I love you too,” I said putting as much love as I could in those words. Instead of pinning me to the car he moved his arms to wrap around me.

“Call me if anything happens. Call me if anything spooks you, anything. Even if it’s just the wind, promise you’ll call me, love.”

“I promise.” I said.

“Okay, I’ll see you on Sunday. I’ll come back sooner than the others to get you cleared out of here.”

“Sunday,” I said. Twenty-four hours and we’d be back together, I could make it. “I love you,” I said again.

“As do I,” Jonathon said. He gave me one more kiss and then he was in his car leaving me standing there. I waved and he waved back.

As soon as I could no longer see his car I went inside. Isaac would be coming over soon. I went to my sparse room that I had only slept one night in. Jonathon had placed my stuff on my bed and left a note.


I am missing you already. I will be back before you know it.

Know that my soul is aching for you. I love you.


I held the note to my heart. I really didn’t deserve him. He was so good to me. Oh, Jonathon. I thought. What would I do without you?

I thought back to my first days here. What would I have done without Jonathon? Everything that happened those first days was so chaotic. How could I have handled that by myself?

I put the note on my bedside table. Then I moved the suitcases to the floor.

I was just coming out of the kitchen chewing on an energy bar when there was a knock on the door. I opened the door to an adorable Isaac standing in the doorway. He had all the supplies plus another bag. He lifted that bag in the air and gave it a little shake. “I brought lunch, I hope that’s okay.”

“That’s great,” I said throwing my energy bar in the trash can as I showed him where to put the stuff down in the living room.

We sat down on the floor all the supplies on the coffee table. Isaac put the bag in between us and started pulling out the food he’d brought. There were grapes, and bread and dipping oil. I took the lid off the dipping oil and smelled it. The scent was heavenly.

“This looks fantastic,” I said putting the bowl back down on the floor.

“I know it’s not much but. . .” He said trailing off with a shrug of his shoulders.

In that moment I looked at Isaac; really looked at him. His eyelashes were long and curled. His hair was shaggy. He had the tips of his dark brown almost black hair dyed a dark blue. His blue eyes sparkled with intensity. He had good strong bone structure. He also had a lip ring. Isaac was a really good looking guy and for some reason he acted as if he didn’t notice. I had seen some of the female stares he received at school and knew that I wasn’t the only one who noticed.

“What are you looking at?” Isaac asked.