Page 77 of Fallen (Fallen 1)

I looked around yet again just in case I had missed something, a building, an odd formation in the dirt, maybe? But no, there was no sign of activity, a building, anything, and definitely not of a race track.

Jonathon gave my hand a light squeeze.

“Are you ready to run?” He asked.

“Run?” I said questioningly.

“Well, we’ll be running and I’ll be carrying you.”

“Oh,” was all I said. He meant we’d be running at vampire speed. My stomach did a little flip flop. I was normally so adventurous and all about thrill. Hell, I’ve raced in drag races before but the thought of holding onto Jonathon and running at that speed made me queasy. I took a deep breath. I can do this. C’mon Kylie get a grip of yourself.

Jonathon picked me up as if I weighed nothing and slung me onto his back without my consent. Oh, well.

“Hold on tight,” He said and I did. My chokehold on him would’ve cut off the airways of a normal human eighteen year old boy. But not Jonathon, he didn’t even notice.

He smiled that adorable grin at me and with one last look at my horror stricken face we were flying.

His running was smooth and effortless. His breathing even. I was surprised he could breathe through my hold on him.

On his back, it didn’t feel like he was running. I wasn’t rocking back and forth, in fact I wasn’t moving or bouncing in any way. He could’ve been a stone I was clinging to. Well, he was cold and hard like one but I couldn’t imagine a stone looking like Jonathon. Danny or Mason, I wasn’t not sure which, was side by side with Jonathon.. The others behind.

In that instant it seemed to become a race. I could feel Jonathon speeding up. I clung tighter to his back scared I’d fall.

We seemed to be descending. It got darker until the sun was completely gone.

I wanted to ask Jonathon where we were, and where we were going but I couldn’t open my mouth. Then we were plunged into complete darkness.

Small lights began to light the way. However they weren’t close enough together for me to be able to see anything. I felt so blind, and claustrophobic. Deep breaths Kylie, deep breaths.

I heard someone laugh and more voices up ahead echoing around a large space. Jonathon slowed to a mere jog for him. For a human it still would’ve been a very fast run.

“Almost there,” He said.

A few minutes later light flooded over us. I resisted the urge to cover my eyes. I had been in the dark so long that the bright light blinded me.

Jonathon began walking. Slowly, I loosened my grip on him. He stoppe

d walking.

“Can you walk now?”

“I think so.” I replied in a whisper. Joseph, Patrick, Danny, and Mason stopped with us.

Jonathon took my hand to help me down. As my feet hit the ground a wave of dizziness overcame me.

“Whoa,” I said putting my hand to my head.

“Are you okay?” asked Jonathon his cold arm suddenly around my waist.

“Mhmm, fine.” I said, standing up straight and waving away his concern with a swish of my hand.

I looked around for like millionth time that day. My neck was going to ache tonight. We were definitely underground. I heard the buzzing sound of cars racing by. I reached for Jonathon’s hand and took a deep breath.

We all began moving towards the commotion again. I had to admit I was frightened being underground with a lot of vampires with probably no way to escape if something bad happened. I knew Jonathon and his family wouldn’t let any harm come to me but I was still scared. C’mon I’m only human.

Jonathon gave my hand yet another reassuring squeeze. He must have sensed how tense I was.

Suddenly the small, confined hallway opened up into a large, brightly lit, room. Some people, I mean vampires, milled around the large room. Some entered and exited corridors leading off from the large room. Jonathon and the rest continued walking straight, heading to one of the open corridors. We kept going straight the floor dipping down. I looked up at Jonathon hoping to receive some sort of comment as to where we were going. Obviously we were heading into pitch blackness again.