Page 28 of Fallen (Fallen 1)

“Kylie, what I’m about to tell you, you have to promise to never tell anyone.”

“I promise Jonathon. But you’re frightening me.” I said, hoping to appease him but let him know that I was becoming fearful.

“You should be frightened.” He said. His eyes wandered, he looked like he was ready to have a seizure.

I couldn’t help the little gasp of shock that escaped my lips. This was it. This was how I died.

“You have to understand Kylie this is a hard secret for me to share. I’ve been hiding it for nearly seven-hundred years.”

“What?” I exclaimed. “Seven-hundred years how is that possible?” I managed to ask.

He let out another breath of cool air. It smelt so sweet. I found myself leaning in closer to him.

“Because. . . I am a vampire.”

“What!” I exclaimed. “Is this some kind of sick twisted joke? You psycho! Why would you even joke about something like that! Are you in some kind of cult or something?” I said rushing my words together.

He looked so grave when he said, “Something like that. But it’s true. You have to believe me. I would never lie to you! I love you! More than you can even imagine.”

“I don’t believe you,” I cried out, “You’re asking me to believe the impossible.”

“I’ll just have to prove it to you then,” he said standing up lightening fast. His body actually blurred.

Oh, no. I thought to myself. What if he’s telling the truth?

He strolled over to a cherry blossom tree, the trunk was large, it was wider around than is arms could reach.

He put his hands on it and with what looked like no effort at all pulled the tree from the ground. Roots and all.

I gasped.

But he didn’t stop there.

He picked up a fairly large rock and launched it into the sky. The rock soared high above a few birds scattering them with caws of fright and disappeared what looked like several miles away.

I blinked my eyes rapidly hoping my eyes were messed up. No such luck. I closed them all together hoping this was some stupid twisted dream and I would wake back up at my house in California and everything would be back to normal.

In a soft voice, he said, “What is it going to take for you to believe me?”

He didn’t wait for me to answer.

He picked up a small rock this time. He came towards me holding the rock where I could see it clearly. Stopping in front of me he closed his hand over the rock gently, a moment later he opened his hand. The rock had turned to dust.

“I’m strong,” he said, “Impenetrable,” he added this time holding a knife. He had moved so quick I hadn’t seen where he had gotten it.

He’s going to kill me. I thought panicking

But instead he held the knife out to me, hilt side.

“Take it,” he said.

“No,” I replied. My voice so quiet it was practically non-existent. But he heard me.

“Take it,” he said again, “Cut me, stab me, do whatever you want. I want you to see what I am. I want you to believe!”

I took the knife from him.

I held it awkwardly in my hand. I ran my finger along the blade. It drew blood.