Page 109 of Fallen (Fallen 1)

When we touched down in California it was after midnight. A limo was waiting for us to take us to the hotel.

Kelly had said I was welcome to stay at home in my room but I had denied her offer. The thought of being in a house with just Kelly made my stomach churn. But I did appreciate her offer. After everything I had been through I was seeing a lot of things in a new light. I knew now that my dad had been unhappy with his marriage to my mother for a long time and I had been to blind to see it. Kelly made him happy. Or did make him happy and I couldn’t deny him his happiness even if I once would have loved to see him unhappy. I was disappointed with myself that it had taken seeing my dad die to finally see things clearly. Everyone deserved to be happy. I was sorry that my dad’s had been cut so short.

On the ride to the hotel I fell asleep. I was exhausted and tomorrow was going to be stressful. The funeral service was at one o’ clock and the burial was at three o’clock.

We made it to the hotel and Jonathon and I both fell asleep.

The next morning I moved mechanically to be presentable for the funeral. I left my hair curly and dabbed on a little makeup. I slipp

ed into my new black nineteen fifties style dress. It had cropped sleeves and fit snuggly at the top then flowed down into a full skirt with a lavender bow at the waist.

I went back into the room from the bathroom to find Jonathon in a black suit looking dashing. His hair was still damp from his shower and in soft waves. His full lips were set in a grim line.

“Are you ready?” he asked. I nodded and we met his family in the lobby.

Danny, Mason, Joseph, and Patrick were all in suits similar to Jonathon’s. Amelia’s hair was hanging down loose and she wore a slim black dress with a red belt. Diana had her hair slicked back in neat up do. She wore a white v-neck knit shirt tucked into a black pencil legged skirt. She and Amelia both looked so effortlessly beautiful while I felt like I looked like a haphazard mess.

I tried to smooth my hair back with my hand as we got in the limo.

We arrived at the funeral home and a crowd was already there. I recognized several men my dad worked with. I saw Kelly and then my brothers.

When I stepped out of the limo hand in hand with Jonathon I saw them glance questioningly at each other then at me. Slowly everyone turned to look at us. I couldn’t blame them. The Pulmer’s were all beautiful. We moved as a group to join the others gathered around outside.

They didn’t know how my dad really died they all thought he died in a car accident in Italy because he was driving on the wrong side of the road. They also thought he was coming to visit me because I freaked out about him and Kelly getting married. If only they knew the truth.

Aiden and Adam looked older than the last time I saw them. They both had stubble and their eyes were blood shot. I hugged them both.

I turned and introduced the Pulmer’s. I noticed Aiden’s eyes lingering on Diana and I thought I saw a slight flush creep up her cheeks. I introduced Jonathon last.

“And this is my um… boyfriend Jonathon,” I said.

Aiden and Adam smirked at each other.

Jonathon extended his hand. “It is very nice to meet you Aiden. Adam.”

They took his hand and gave me a look that said, “we’ll talk about this later.” I knew the boys were bound to become even more overprotective and father-bear-like with me now that our dad was dead. I let out a sigh of relief though. My brother’s had managed not to embarrass me. For now at least.

We headed into the funeral home and I suppressed my urge to shudder at all the flowers and pictures of my dad.

My brothers and I walked around the funeral talking to people and thanking them for company. Many asked about the Pulmer’s and who they were. Every time I said, “They are good friends of mine and my mother’s and offered to come with me since my mom could not.”

Finally we settled in to listen to the service.

Adam and Aiden sat next to me and Jonathon.

The minister spoke first. He gave a lengthy speech on God and how that my dad was a good man and in heaven now.

Then Kelly walked up to the podium. She sobbed hysterically. “Michael was a-a-a won-wonderful m-man. I l-l-loved him s-s-so mu-much!” and then her tears and sobs consumed her and she could speak no more.

For a moment no one moved.

After that we dispersed to eat and then we were on our way to the burial.

The cemetery was lush and green. It was December but it was seventy degrees in California. The palm trees swayed in the breeze. Everyone gathered around the casket. Those who had brought flowers laid them upon the casket.

I leaned towards Aiden.

“You should speak. You’re the oldest and the best speech maker,” I said.