Page 106 of Fallen (Fallen 1)

“But he did!” she cried. “I left and when I got back Andrew was dead! Jonathon killed him! He should have saved Andrew! Andrew wasn’t supposed to die!”

“How did Andrew die?” I asked.

“His body resisted the change. It’s a rare thing to happen but it did. Jonathon said I did everything right! So, why did Andrew die? Why didn’t Jonathon try and save him? Why did he let Andrew die? Why?” she wailed.

I racked my brain trying to come up with something else to ask her. Anything.

“How did you and Jonathon become friends?” I asked.

She laughed her menacing laugh again. “Oh, that. He found me after I had been attacked and knew what was happening to me so he brought me back to his house and told me about what I had become. I was a mess when he found me. Covered in blood and screaming for death. And now it’s your turn,” she said advancing on me. Her teeth and eyes shining in the moonlight.

My time had run out.

She grabbed my wrist, her nail digging in, and pulled me to my feet. My wrist burned where her nails had dug in drawing more blood. But the burning in my face and wrist was nothing compared to the pain in my shoulder. She had yanked me up by the arm with the dislocated shoulder. I bit down on my bottom lip so that I wouldn’t yell out. I wished desperately that my hallucination had been real and that Jonathon really was coming to save me. She cut both my wrists with her nails. The burning in my body became stronger. She also cut my collarbone, neck and arms. The burning became stronger with each cut of her nails.

I screamed. I just couldn’t hold it in any longer.

The door burst open with a sickening crack. Selena whipped her head around. “No!” she hissed.

My eyes couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Jonathon. My Jonathon. The love of my life. My knight in shining armor here to save me. But my happiness was overshadowed by the burning in my body. I felt like I was slowly being burned alive at the stake. I continued to scream and shake.

Jonathon and Selena stormed at each other. Through my haze I noticed that his arms and hands were glowing with blue and purple flames. He threw his flames at her but she deflected them easily with what looked like a shimmering force field. Jonathon looked like a beautiful golden angel fighting a dark demon. His look was feral but somehow beautiful; an avenging angel. Jonathon somehow managed to look scarier than Selena. Maybe it was because I had never seen him look like this. He was always the picture of calm but now was not the case. I don’t know how long they fought; the pain in my body was too strong to tell how much time was passing. It could have been minutes or hours. It felt like forever.

Finally Jonathon got past her defenses. Selena was on fire. The blue fire was shimmering against some kind of purple sheen. She screamed and tried to put out the fire raging on her body.

Jonathon picked me up, as I continued to scream, and ran. It felt like we were soaring; and we might have been.

The empty fields soon turned into small towns which then turned into the city. The whole time I screamed and shook.

“Where are w-we g-going?” I asked through my stupor.

“Home my love, home,” He said. After that I blacked out.

I awakened to Jonathon placing me on the couch in the family room. The rest of the Pulmer’s were running around trying to get to us with an array of medical supplies.

“D- don’t put me on the-the couch Jonathon! I don’t want to-to ruin it with my-my blood!” I managed to say around my pain.

“Kylie don’t be silly,” He said trying to calm me.

I felt my body begin to shake even more uncontrollably.

“Make it stop Jonathon! Make it stop! Please! It burns! Oh, God it burns! Make it stop!” I yelled through my pain. Why wasn’t he stopping the burning? Jonathon’s eyes glazed over, filling with water. “I’m on fire! Make it stop! Please!” I screamed hysterically.

“Patrick what do I do?” He asked his voice full of pain and worry.

“You have to feed her or she’ll die.”

“I don’t want to. You know how addicting blo

od-letting is.”

“I know Jonathon but it’s the only way to save her. She’ll die in minutes if you don’t.”

“Damn it,” Jonathon yelled crashing his fist into the coffee table which broke in half. Even in my stupor I managed to think to myself, why is it that the coffee table always gets broken?

“J- Jon- Jonathon p-p-please help m-me. It burns!” I said my words shaking with every uncontrollable jerk of my body.

I watched with shaky vision as he pulled a some kind of enchanted looking knife out of his pocket and cut the palm of his hand. Blue blood welled at the cut.