Page 105 of Fallen (Fallen 1)

I opened my eyes and saw Selena stalk towards me. She bent down to my eye level. She held out her bone white hand with long colorless nails. With one finger she stroked my face. My skin felt like ice where she had touched me.

Then she slashed at me. Her nails digging into my skin and setting me on fire. I grabbed my cheek and felt blood. I gritted my teeth. Why was it burning? It wouldn’t stop!

“If you thought your dad died a sickening, painful way, then you’re wrong. He died easily. He didn’t see it coming and didn’t feel a thing. I promise,” She said in her icy voice.

I closed my eyes as she struck at me again.

“Oh, Jonathon I love you.” I thought to myself. I felt a strange pressure in my head again but this time I didn’t fight it I succumbed to it hoping it would take me away from the pain that Selena was inflicting; the physical and emotional pain.

“Kylie,” came Jonathon’s voice in my head.

“Am I hallucinating?”

“No, love. I’m here.”

“Where’s here? I’m in heaven aren’t I!”

“No, love you aren’t in heaven you’re still alive. I’m communicating with you through your mind. You don’t have much time left.”

I didn’t believe Jonathon’s voice was really there. But this was a wonderful thing to hallucinate. “So, I am dying?” I decided to continue talking so I could keep hearing his heavenly his voice.

“You aren’t dead yet. I need you to focus Kylie. Can you do that for me?”

“Yes,” I said. This imaginary conversation in my head was wonderful. I could die happy.

“First, where are you?”

“I don’t know.”

“Can you give me any details?”

“It’s. . . old. And stone. Small like a shack.”

“Are there are other buildings near you?”

“No, just fields.”

“Good girl. This helps. Alright, the second thing I need you to do is open your eyes and stall for time. Can you do that?”

“I’ll try,” I told the imaginary Jonathon. I would do anything for him; hallucination or real.

“I’ll get to you as soon as I can principessa. I love you with all my being.”

“I love you,” I whispered to his fading voice.

I opened my eyes and vowed to keep my promise to my imaginary Jonathon.

I looked up to find Selena standing over me.

“So, you’re going to kill me?” I asked around the burning in my face and arms. She broke into a smile.

“Oh yes, slowly and painfully,” she said with enjoyment. God, she’s sick, I thought.

“Why?” I asked hoping she’d branch off into a lengthy story.

“Because Jonathon killed Andrew! I left for only a little while and when I came back Andrew was dead. Dead! And Jonathon killed him! I trusted Jonathon to keep Andrew safe while I was gone! Jonathon just watched him die. He should have saved him! Why should he get you when I can’t have Andrew? He was my best friend, my only friend, and he didn’t save my soul mate so why should he be allowed to have you? Huh?”

“I’m sure Jonathon didn’t kill Andrew,” I whispered.