Page 102 of Fallen (Fallen 1)

“Just move to the music,” He said staring me straight in the eye.

I gulped dramatically. “I’ll try,” I said.

Before I knew it we were gliding across the dance floor.

After three more songs we came to a rest back at the table. Danny, Mason, and Diana were still on the dance floor.

“I thought you said you couldn’t dance?” I asked him half serious half mocking.

He laughed, “I lied. My sister made me take dancing classes with her. But I must thank her for that because those lessons came in quite handy tonight.”

“Ha ha,” I laughed sarcastically.

“You really aren’t that bad of a dancer, you know.”

“You’re just saying that to be nice,” I said punching him playfully in the arm.

“You’re right. You are an absolute dreadful dancer,” he said laughing at my facial expression.

“Hey,” I said mock hurt on my face. I was actually enjoying myself.

“Honestly though you aren’t as bad of a dancer as you think,” He said with a grin on his face.

“That’s only because you were leading,” I said.

“Are you hungry . . . or thirsty?”

“Both,” I said realizing just how hungry I was.

“I’ll go get us some refreshments,” he said.

“I’ll head to the ladies room,” I said getting up at the same time.

We headed off in opposite directions.

I exited the ball room into the lobby. There were some classmates milling around but otherwise it was empty. I asked a receptionist where the restrooms were and she pointed me in the right direction and I headed off that way.

I expected the restroom to be busy but instead it was deserted. I used the bathroom and then stood for a moment looking at myself in the mirror.

I still looked like a different person. I had gotten so used to the automaton like version of myself that I had forgotten what I could look like. I brushed a stray hair out of my eye tucking it behind my ear. I wiped off some smeared eyeliner.

“Nice to see you again,” came a voice from behind me.

I whipped around to face the person. I felt something hard and fast hit me in the head. I felt myself fall against the porcelain sink. I heard my skull make a loud cracking sound as it hit the sink and then the floor.

The last thing I saw before I blacked out was Selena’s smirking face.

Chapter Twenty-Four: Alone

The pain in my skull was sickening. Black dots flashed across my eyes. I was freezing and it felt like I was lying on a stone floor which wasn’t helping the pain in my head. Slowly I opened my eyes and the dark room swirled around me. I felt nauseous but I persisted. Through the pain I gradually coaxed my aching body into a sitting position. My body hurt all over. Obviously I had taken a serious beating. But at least I wasn’t dead. My body shook with the cold. I was still in my dress and it didn’t provide much protection from the winter elements. Even though I was in some kind of building there was no heat and the stone floor and walls seemed to hold the icy frigid air like a sponge. The building smelled awful. I could make out the smells of blood and of decaying animals. This place was rank with the stench of death. I could feel bugs scuttling around on the floor. I wanted to laugh at the situation. It was straight out of a horror movie. When did my life get so messed up? If someone had told me six months ago that I’d be in this position I would never have believed them. But things never go as you plan. I curled my body in on itself trying to keep my body heat inside me. My teeth kept chattering uncontrollably. Some stray tears leaked out of the corners of my eyes. I wiped them hastily away. I needed to be strong and sensible. I took a deep breath hoping to stop anymore tears that might escape. I needed to be strong and find a way of escape. But how could I escape when I had no idea where I even was? After a few shaky moments I managed to coax my protesting body into a standing position. Man, did my body ache. My eyes had finally adjusted to the darkness and I took in my surroundings. I was in a small stone building a house maybe? All the walls and floors were ancient crumbling stone. There was no furniture just empty space except for a large dark lump on the floor that I’d have to investigate later. There were fortunately windows. But they were small and there was no way I could climb out of them. Looking out of them all I could see was overgrown land. No city lights, no houses, or even any animals that I could see. So even if I could escape there would be nowhere to go or hide.

I gulped; no one to hear me scream.

I headed to the ancient wooden door in hope of escape. But it was no help; it was locked from the outside. I ventured uneasily towards the lump. Its chest moved slowly up and down. I could make out that it was a person probably a male. He didn’t seem to pose a threat; he looked like a captive too. The floor was dusty so I decided to sweep it with my shoe. Maybe I could find a trap door; that’s how it worked in the movies at least. No such luck but it was worth a shot.

I paced around the small area but finally decided to sit down and conserve my energy.

I let out a sigh. How could I possibly get out of here? Selena was vampire, I wasn’t. There was no way I could fight her. But I had to fight back s