Page 89 of Fallen (Fallen 1)

He laughed almost all stress gone from his perfect shoulders. I wondered briefly what else was bothering him. “Well as long as you’re safe,” He said jumping on top of me and pinning me to the couch. His lips were on mine. Our lips moved in perfect unison our bodies melded together. We were made for each other. Every contour of our bodies matched perfectly.

In the back of my mind I heard the door open. Then I heard a laugh. “Ooh a Kylie sandwich,” said Seph laughing. With one more last kiss Jonathon pulled away grinning. He pulled me up with him his arm around my waist. How it had gotten there I had no idea. Jonathon acted like we only had so much time left together.

I could see the joking banter in his face but something was wrong with his eyes. They didn’t look joking. His eyes looked serious. I had never seen Joseph look serious about anything. It wasn’t a look I wanted to get used to.

Jonathon and I stood up his arm around my shoulders. Seph and Jonathon seemed to be conferring with each other in their heads. They were both stiff and looked ready for battle.

“Kylie, why don’t you go on upstairs and unpack? I’ll be up shortly,” He said nudging me in the small of my back towards the stair case. Even though he said it like a question it sounded more like a demand. I wanted to protest but I heard something in his voice and saw something in his eyes that stopped me from saying anything. In that moment he looked like a vampire. All trace of humanity was gone from him. This was yet another example of why I didn’t want to be a vampire.

So instead I nodded my head in agreement and gathered up my stuff heading for the stairs.

I was just starting to open my door when I heard the others come in. First, came Patrick’s commanding voice.

What he said made me stand in the hallway and listen my hand still on the door knob.

“She’s back there’s no doubt about that anymore. But how could you have been so stupid Jonathon? As soon as you suspected she was back you should have told us instead of hiding it! Do you have any, any idea, what kind of danger you’ve put Kylie in! She could’ve been killed! And what were you going to do? Just standby and let it happen!” I could viduslize Jonathon in my head flinching from the verbal slap.

“I put Ettore in charge of watching the house and protecting Kylie! It’s not like I left her unprotected!”

“You might as well have! She killed Ettore! She killed him to get to Kylie. It’s a miracle Kylie is not dead! Selena is sadistic Jonathon…” Patrick began in a quieter tone. “She is not the same person she was then. You have to accept that.”

“But I can’t,” said Jonathon. He sounded pained. Patrick’s voice began rising again.

“JONATHON! Either except that Selena is a sadistic killer or have Kylie die! It’s amazing she is in one piece after having a visit from Selena. Selena threatened to kill your soul mate! Not mine or any of the rest of ours only yours. She blames you; you have to except that Jonathon. She will do whatever it takes to get to Kylie. We will help you protect Kylie, help you kill Selena if that is what you choose to do, which is what you should do. But Jonathon in order for us to kill her you have to accept what she has become. A killer.”

“How can we kill her?” Jonathon whispered.

Patrick laughed, it was a mean laugh and coming from him it shook me to the bones, “Oh, dear boy. There are seven of us and only one of her I believe the odds are in our favor.”

“She will be hard to kill,” said Jonathon.

“So, you agree then? She has to be killed?” Patrick asked.

Jonathon let out a sigh. “She has to be killed. I don’t completely agree with this but if it means choosing a friendship that no longer exists and the love of my life I choose Kylie, always. But you must understand Selena is a fighter. She will take down as many of us as she can before she perishes. Her power after all is armor, shields, it’s sort of like a force field that repels powers. She can block my power most definitely. Mason, Danny, and Joseph have the most power over her.”

“We will use any advantage we have. But Jonathon I cannot understand why you are being so passive about this. Especially after she killed your parents.”

“I hate her. I really do. But Patrick you know as well as anyone that I’m soft at heart. She was my best friend it hurts to think of her as a killer even though I know that is what she has become,” Jonathon said.

Patrick sighed. “I know she was your friend but when she lost Andrew she lost all of her soul. All that was remaining of her humanity. You know that. It’s what happens to us when

we lose our soul mates. That’s just the way it is.”

“So, we fight.” I heard Mason say.

“We fight.” Jonathon said.

I went rushing into my room throwing my bag onto the bed. I hastily unzipped it and dumped the contents onto my bed. I threw open a dresser drawer and started putting stuff away. I didn’t want to be caught eavesdropping.

But all the information I had learned. Selena killed Jonathon’s parents! Jonathon and Selena were friends! It explained so much.

Jonathon came into my room. I was putting the last thing away.

“All done,” I said with a flourish trying to act natural. It was difficult. Jonathon kissed me on the cheek obviously he saw nothing in my face or voice to suggest I had overheard the conversation.

I was weighing whether or not now would be a good time to tell Jonathon I didn’t want to be a vampire. But no time seemed good.

“I have some things I need to tell you,” He said.