Page 236 of Sweet Dandelion

Sage holds the door open for Sasha, but heads in behind her, blocking us from going.

“I’m going to kill him,” I seethe, glaring at his retreating figure. “I’m going to bury him six feet under somewhere no one will find him.”

Lachlan grins down at me. “You’d never.”

He’s right, I wouldn’t hurt a fly, but right now I wouldn’t mind kicking my brother in the ass.

Lachlan opens the door for me, letting me in first.

Sage and Sasha are already in the first gallery when we catch up to them.

“So what are you doing for work now since you quit before you could get fired like a total pussy.”

“Sage!” I cry, my fists clenching at my sides. “I’m going to throat punch you.”

Lachlan squeezes my hand, silently telling me it’s okay, but it’s not. I know we’re fighting an uphill battle with my brother, but he doesn’t have to be such a dick.

“I’m working at a local youth center. Still counseling and I’m coaching basketball there.”

Sage sneers, looking my boyfriend up and down. “Still around kids then, I see.”

“Hey, cut it out,” Sasha scolds him.

The tightness in his face relaxes some, but not a whole lot. “Just trying to get to know Lach-ness.”

“Sage!” Sasha and I both scream at him this time.

We’re probably so close to being kicked out and we only got here.

“Oh, I get it now.” Lachlan’s lips twitch. “Like the Loch Ness Monster.”

“Exactly.” Sage grins.

“That’s funny.”

“None of this is funny.” I look up at Lachlan, offended he’s amused by my brother’s antics.

Lachlan gives my hand another squeeze before letting go. “Why don’t you ladies go look around and leave Sage and I to have a chat?”

My eyes go wide. “Are you crazy?” I hiss.

Lachlan has a death wish.

“It’ll be fine.”

Sage looks shocked by this turn of events. “Uh…”

“That sounds like a great idea.” Sasha reaches out for my arm, dragging me away from the two men. “We’ll be … somewhere.”

I reluctantly allow her to pull me away and up the stairs to the second level of the gallery. She finds a corner with a bench, sitting down.

“Are you crazy? Sage is going to kill him.”

She waves a dismissive hand. “You know your brother wouldn’t actually hurt him even if he wants to. But I think it’s important for your brother to get some things off his chest.”

“You’re right.” I hate admitting it, but she has a point. I know there are bound to be things Sage needs to say without me breathing down both their necks. “I still can’t believe you’re dating my brother.”

She laughs, her cheeks flushed. “Me either, to be honest. It just kind of happened.”