Page 190 of Sweet Dandelion

There’s knocking on the door and the sound of voices. Blinking open my eyes I look at the time on my phone and see it’s after two in the morning.

Sighing, I push my tired body up and head to the door, peeping out. I see someone I don’t recognize, around maybe thirty with blond hair, but Sage is slouched against the guy, so I open the door.

“Hi, you must be Dani?” The guy asks and I nod. “I’m Graham.” He holds out a hand but quickly pulls it back in when my brother starts to fall to the floor. “I’m a friend of Sage’s. He’s drunk off his ass, and I was going to bring him back to my place, but he insisted he had to get home.”

I push the door open wider. “What can I do to help you with him?”

“Hold the door. I can handle him.”

Sage’s alcohol-hazed eyes meet mine. He still looks angry, but also sad.

Graham carries him over to the couch, depositing him on it. “Is he good here?”

“It’s fine.” I wave a dismissive hand.

“I can stay if you need help with him?” he offers.

I shake my head, still holding the door open. “I can handle him.”

Graham walks over to me and whispers under his breath, “I’m not sure what he’s upset about, but he was already well on his way to drunk by the time I got to the bar and kept going, even when I told him to stop. Try and get some water in him and some Aspirin.”

“Okay, thanks for bringing him home.”

Graham tips his head in acknowledgment and heads out.

Turning around, I prepare to face more of Sage’s wrath but instead I find him halfway asleep.

I pour him a glass of water, making sure it’s not too cold so it’ll be easier for him to get down. Once I have two Aspirins from the bathroom, I crouch down beside him and force him to take them, as well as down the whole glass of water. Lying on his side, he blinks his hazel eyes at me.

“I’m so sorry I’ve failed you.”

I gasp. “Sage, you could never fail me.”

He rubs a piece of my hair between his fingers. “Why did Mom think I could take care of you? I’m a horrible guardian. You would’ve been better off with anyone else.”

I grab his hand, holding it in mine. “That’s not true and you know it. Herb, we have to stick together. It’s always been you and me, right? We can’t change that now. You’re the best brother I could ask for.”

“What happened with him? The Taylor guy?”

“Do you really want to know?” Treacherous tears flood my eyes again.

“No, but I need to.” He clears his throat and reaches for the glass but it’s empty. I quickly refill it and pass it to him, settling back on the floor in front of the couch. “Tell me.”

“I don’t know,” I let out a sigh. “Seeing him every day really helped me and we connected. It was completely innocent for a long time. I mean, I had a crush on him but that was it. It wasn’t like I was planning to act on it. But … we kept being drawn together. No one has ever made me feel the way he does and we … fell in love. I might be young, but I know love, and there’s no denying that’s what we have … or had.” I look away, anger hitting me in the chest once again.

Sage rubs his mouth. “You need to tell the principal.”

“No,” I hiss out. “Regardless of everything I will not ruin Lachlan’s life that way. He didn’t pursue me or pressure me into anything, please believe that. I wouldn’t lie to you.”

He holds a hand to his head. I’m sure it’s pounding. He reeks of alcohol and cigarettes. “We’ll talk in the morning,” he mutters. “I have a headache.”

“Okay.” I kiss his cheek, grab the blanket and drape it over his body.

By the time I turn the light off, he’s asleep.

I spread out the breakfast I picked up as Sage finally comes out of his room, freshly showered and smelling much better. He still doesn’t look the best, but it’s progress. He’s probably still going to feel it come tomorrow.

Sage sits down at the bar and I pour each of us a glass of orange juice.