Page 151 of Sweet Dandelion

“Four, three, two, one!”

He kisses me, gripping my chin between his right thumb and forefinger, his left hand draped over my bare hip.

Cheering sounds from the other room and he presses a tender, loving kiss to my nose.

“Happy New Year, Dani.”

Chapter Fifty

When I wake in the morning, I’m using Lachlan’s bicep as a pillow. My face is nuzzled right against his chest in the little dip there that’s like it was made for only me. Neither of us dressed and I feel every inch of his naked body against mine. My core clenches and I stifle a whimper because I’m incredibly sore there. It’s expected, but damn I feel like I need to ice myself and that doesn’t sound pleasant at all.

I trace my finger around one of the pads of his brownish-pink nipples.

He makes some sort of sleepy noise in his throat.

Cracking his eyes open, he smiles. “Morning, beautiful.”

Something in my chest eases at his carefree demeanor.

“Morning,” I whisper back.

I know there’s still so much between us, things we need to talk about after what transpired last night, but right now I want to enjoy waking up with him.

He wraps an arm around me, his hand curling above the curve of my ass.

I trace his lips with my finger. “What are you thinking?”

He grabs my hand, placing a gentle kiss on the tender flap of skin between my thumb and index finger. “How I wish I could wake up to you in my bed like this every day.” His eyes darken steadily. “I want you to know last night was the best fucking night of my life but it doesn’t change the facts.”

“I know.” I try to tug my hand back, but he doesn’t let go. He kisses it again, this time the meaty part of my palm beneath my pinky.

He locks our fingers together, laying our joined hands on the mattress between us. “I won’t feel guilty for loving you like I do, Dani. I won’t … I’m not going to torture myself over it any longer. It fucking kills me I can’t love you in the open, like you deserve, but for right now this has to be enough.”

“It is,” I rush to say. I’ll take this over not having him any day. I tighten my hand around his. “Love is enough.”

He stares back at me. “I hope so.” He looks me over. “You don’t regret last night, do you?”

“Lachlan.” I give a small laugh. “Are you serious right now?”

His cheeks redden, the color spreading across his nose and making the dusting of freckles there more noticeable. “I’m sorry.” He releases my hand, gripping my hip instead. “I need to know you’re okay.”

I lay my hand against his jaw, staring into his eyes so he hears every word and sees the honesty in my eyes. “I’m more than okay, Lachlan.” He opens his mouth and I place my palm against it. “Don’t you dare ask me if I’m sure.”

I feel him smile beneath my hand before I drop it.

I clasp my hands beneath my head, staring at him. I can’t help myself. I get so few opportunities to look at him the way I want. His black lashes curl against his cheeks as he blinks, his lips parted slightly with even breaths. Up this close I see every fleck of color in his blue hues, from dashes of green to sprinkles of gold.

“What are you looking at me like that for?” His voice is husky and he pulls the covers up over our bodies, covering our shoulders from where it’d fallen down.

“Because you’re mine,” I answer back, reminded of another conversation we had.

He gives me a playful smile. “I’m yours, huh? Does that make you mine?”

“I’ve been yours, Lachlan, from the moment you moved your entire office for me.”

“That long?” He arches a dark brow.

“That’s when you collected the first piece of my heart. But with your kindness, and caring, I’ve given you more and more without even realizing until I’m certain the whole thing is here now.” I place my hand on his chest, beneath the steadily beating drum of his heart.