Page 90 of Sweet Dandelion

“I want you to go.”

I sigh, pressing my lips together. I don’t want to disappoint him. “I know, but I have to make my own choices. I don’t know what those are yet.”

This time he’s the one that sighs.

“Look at you,” I continue, “I mean, you went to college and you have a job that makes you miserable. I’m not sure college is the end all be all.”

Sage’s jaw tightens and I fear I’ve said the wrong thing. “Fair point,” he mutters.

“Maybe I’ll go, maybe I won’t. Is it so wrong to live without a plan?”

He cracks a small smile. “No, but you can’t live your whole life like that.”

This time it’s him who has a point.

“Life clips our wings,” I murmur softly, wiping condensation from the side of the water glass. “Everyone tells you to dream big, but then society does everything it can to keep you grounded.”

Sage suppresses a chuckle and tips his cup at me in salute. “Welcome to adulthood. You’ve already figured it out.”

“Are you happy?” I find myself asking him suddenly.

My brother tilts his head, pondering my question. “I’m happy in moments.”

“But moments are fleeting.”

Moments are all I have with Lachlan. Moments, stolen glances, and nothing but a feeling of rightness.

Sage stares into my eyes. “So is happiness.”

I exhale a breath, his words hitting me straight in the chest like a punch. He gives me a sad look, like he’s fearful he’s let me down in some way with his answer. But I understand it. Happiness is brief and if it wasn’t then we wouldn’t understand the power of the emotion.

Sage and I finish our dinner and head back to the condo. I still can’t bring myself to think of it as home.

We’re almost back when I spot a giant brown dog straight ahead. My heart jolts, my steps faltering.

Sage looks over his shoulder when he realizes I’m not beside him. “D?”

I catch up with him and Zeppelin must smell me because before I can blink the big dog is trying to jump on me, Lachlan barely able to hold him at bay.

“Hey, buddy.” I scratch the dog behind his ears. His giant tongue lolls out of his mouth. It’s like he’s giving me a goofy grin.

“You know this dog?” Sage’s voice is gruff, accusing, as his eyes flicker from me to the dog’s owner.

“Hi, Dani.” Lachlan’s voice washes over me like a crisp and cool running river. It’s melodic, and I shouldn’t like it so damn much.

I straighten my shoulders, staring across at my guidance counselor. Before I can say anything I feel Sage wrap his fingers around my wrist. His hold is tight, but not painful. It’s like he thinks he might have to grab me and run.

“How do you know my sister?” His tone is accusing and I’m sure his eyes are the same as he stares at Lachlan.

Lachlan holds out a hand. “I’m Lachlan—Mr. Taylor. Dani’s guidance counselor.”

Sage’s lips part with understanding and he grasps Lachlan’s hand, giving it a firm shake. “Oh, nice to meet you.”

“Yeah, same.” Lachlan nods. I think seeing my brother has jolted him in some way. “We never got to have that meeting.”

“Right.” Sage snaps his fingers. “Sorry about never rescheduling that. Work’s been insane.”
