Page 75 of Sweet Dandelion

“Are you hurt?”

All the emotions from before come rushing back.

“No, I’m okay, but … can you come get me?”

“Where are you?”

It sounds like he’s grabbing a wallet, keys.

“I … don’t know. I’ll text you my location.”

“You promise you’re okay?”

“Okay as I can be.”

“Are you somewhere safe?”

I hesitate. “I don’t know.”

He exhales heavily. “Send me your location. I’ll be there as fast as I can.”

I hang up and text my GPS location to him. Shivers wrack my body and I wrap my arms around myself, walking back and forth about twenty feet to try to stay warm.

Lachlan: In my car and on my way.

Me: Thank you.

Closing my eyes I tip my head up to the night sky. Tonight didn’t go at all how I expected. Exhaustion settles into my bones and after a few more laps back and forth, I sit down to wait.

Chapter Twenty-Six

Headlights flash across my body, the tires on the car crunching on loose gravel. The older model black Acura car comes to a stop beside me. Before I can stand up Lachlan rushes out of the driver’s side over to me.

“Dani, fuck, why aren’t you wearing a coat?”

Before I can blink he whips the hoodie off his head, tugging it down my body along with his heavenly scent.

“I lost it.”

His blue eyes narrow on me. “What happened? You know what, tell me in the car, you have to be freezing.”

He grabs me by the hands and lifts me up. He wraps his warm, strong arm around my body and guides me into the passenger seat. Heat blasts from the vents and a happy sigh escapes me as I settle onto the seat. His car smells like him with a tinge of peppermint.

He climbs in the driver’s side, slamming the door closed with more force than necessary.

“What the fuck happened?” He glances over at me, clear worry shining in his eyes. It surprises me that he’s cussing. He must be really worked up. Or maybe he has a potty mouth outside of school.

“I was at a party.” I wrap his hoodie tighter around my body like it’ll somehow keep me safe as the memories resurface.

“Are you hurt?” he asks again like he did on the phone. “God, Dani, please don’t tell me someone touched you.”

My mouth pops open and I shake my head rapidly. “N-No. Nothing like that. I was drinking. A lot,” I add sheepishly, nibbling my lip nervously admitting this to him since he’s basically a teacher.

No, he’s Lachlan.

“Did someone spike your drink?”

“No.” I look out the window. “But the cops showed up and…”