Page 233 of Sweet Dandelion

He grins at me over his shoulder. “Not for us.”

Before I can ask him what he means, he swings the door open, tugging me inside with him.

“Donovan, where are you, man?”

We pass rows and rows of bookshelves until we reach a back corner.

My breath catches at the sight of the table set for two, candles and flowers in the center of it, with soft music playing in the background.

“Everything is ready.” A guy around Lachlan’s age pops around a corner.

“Thanks, man.” Lachlan gives him one of those weird handshake guy hugs.

“I’m going to head out.” Donovan smiles at me with a little wave before vanishing down one of the rows.

“Who is that guy?”

“Friend from college,” he explains, pulling out a chair at the table for me to sit down. “He owns the place.” Once I’m seated he says, “Hold on.”

He disappears through a door, returning a moment later with two plates of food.

“What is this?” I ask, looking from him to the food and then around the store.

Setting the food down, he waits until he sits to explain. “I wanted to do something special for our first date. Something you wouldn’t forget.”

“I wouldn’t have forgotten McDonald’s either, but this is way better.”

“Books were one of the things that brought us together. It seemed fitting to begin again here.”

“Did you make the food?” I look down at my plate of some kind of fancy looking fish, asparagus, potatoes, and even a little salad drizzled with balsamic.

He nods, pouring us each a glass of wine. “I probably shouldn’t be serving a minor wine, but we’ve already broken a lot of rules, what’s one more?”

I laugh, taking my half full glass from him to take a sip. “I drank wine with almost every meal in Europe, so I’m used to it and actually enjoy it. Now, if we get raided by cops, then you’re screwed.”

He chuckles, shaking his head. “God, this is strange. Is it weird for you too?”

“A little,” I admit. “I got used to spending all our time in your apartment that it’s kind of odd to … exist like normal people.”

His smile falls a little. “You don’t think that was part of it, do you? The secrecy?”

“What? That the secrecy made me want to be with you?” He nods. “Definitely not. It was you I wanted, not the thrill.”

His body eases at that. “Hopefully you enjoy the meal. I wasn’t sure what to make.”

“It’s not burnt so you already have bonus points.” I take a bite of fish, moaning at the flavor. “Oh my God, this is fantastic. You definitely have to teach me to cook.”

His eyes crinkle at the corners. “I told you I would.”

“This is all so unbelievable.” I keep looking around the store, the lights are dimmed, making it even cozier. “Do I get to pick a book to take with me? I need a memento from our first official date.”

He wipes his mouth with a napkin, his lips upturned in amusement. “Sure. I can settle it with Donovan later.”

“I know my brother is going to want to meet you soon,” I hedge, nervous to broach this topic.

Lachlan cocks his head to the side. “Understandable. Do you have any ideas?”

“Well, I think it should take place on neutral ground, so that eliminates meeting at any of our homes.” Biting my lip, I think. “What about the art museum? It’s one of my favorite places, and since it’s a museum he’ll have to keep his volume at a lower level.”