Page 23 of Sweet Dandelion

He exhales a weighted breath. “I’ll see if any of my friends are free.”

“Thank you.”

He points a finger at me in warning. “If you go out, I need to know what time, who you’re with, what you’re doing, and what time you’ll be back.”

“Of course.” I won’t even argue with him on all those details, because I know it stems from fear. I’d be the same way.

“Okay. I’ll see you later.”

He heads out and I hop in the shower. I hadn’t planned to actually use Ansel’s number, but now I feel guilty not to.

Once I’m dressed I send him a text.

Me: Hey, it’s Dani. Are you free today?

Ansel: Holy shit. You used my number. Are pigs flying? Let me go look out the window.

Me: Ha. Ha. Ha. You’re not funny.

Ansel: Bet you’re smiling.

Me: I’m not.

I am.

Ansel: I’m free. What do you want to do?

Me: I don’t know. I’m not from here.

Ansel: What? How did I not know that? I thought you were from here. The school’s huge so I never thought to ask. Where are you from?

Me: Oregon.

Ansel: Shit. That’s cool. Anyway, there’s plenty to do around here. Can I pick you up?

Me: Yeah, that’d be great.

I send him my address and he tells me he’ll be by to pick me up in thirty minutes.

I blow-dry my damp hair the rest of the way. I don’t bother styling it, instead leaving it in its natural beachy wave. Grabbing what I need, I head down to the lobby to wait.

The lobby of the building has shiny tile floors and black and chrome accents. It’s modern and cold in my opinion, but I suppose beautiful in its own way.

Stuffing my hands in the pockets of my jacket I walk with my head bowed to wait outside for Ansel. There’s an area for him to pull up, like at a hotel.

Before I reach the double doors to exit, something makes me look up.

Call it a sixth sense, or a coincidence, it doesn’t matter.

“Mr. Taylor,” I blurt out in surprise.

He looks up from his phone, rearing back when he sees me.

“Dani?” He fumbles with his phone, finally stuffing it in his pocket.

We stand maybe two feet apart, both confused and unsure what to say.

I speak first. “You live here?”