Page 141 of Sweet Dandelion

I dart my arm out from the warm confines of the blanket I’m burrowed in and cradle it close.

Lachlan: Happy (almost) New Year.

Me: Thanks, you too.

I try not to smile to myself, realizing that for him to text me he must have been thinking about me.

Me: Are you doing something special with your family?

Lachlan: No, they left yesterday. I’m here by myself. It’s me and Zeppelin like always. Are you doing something fun with your brother?

Me: He’s out with his friends. He probably won’t even come home tonight. He’s being a normal twenty-something guy for a night.

Lachlan: So you’re on your own too?

Me: Yuuup.

Reply bubbles appear, then disappear. Shaking my head, I turn the screen off and return my attention to the movie. A few minutes pass before my phone buzzes again.

Lachlan: You could come here if you wanted. Then neither one of us would be alone.

I stare at his message in surprise.

Lachlan: I know I said this couldn’t keep happening but I’m a fucking liar because I can’t stay away from you and selfishly I want to see you. I’m such an asshole, I know.

Me: Are you sure? I’m fine here, really.

Lachlan: Come. Please.

I swallow thickly, wishing I didn’t want to go as bad as I do.

But we both know I’m not going to say no.

Me: I’ll come up in a bit.

Diving off the couch I turn the TV off and run to my room, then the bathroom, back and forth I go because I look like a hag and need to make myself presentable. An hour later my hair is curled, my breath is minty fresh, and I even dressed up in a lacy black tank top, black jeans, and some heels. I’m worried it’s a bit too sexy, but I hope the jeans will keep it a little more subdued.

Fluffing my curled hair I put some clear gloss on my lips and squirt some perfume on my wrists.

“You’re being ridiculous,” I mutter to my reflection before switching the light off. Grabbing my phone, I head upstairs—this time taking the elevator due to my heels.

When the doors slide open I step inside with a few other people and push the button for the floor above. If any of them think it’s strange, they don’t say a word.

A minute later I’m walking down the hall and knocking on his door.

My heart patters against the cage I’ve tried so hard to erect around it. The one that falls whenever Lachlan is near. It’s ridiculous how fickle a heart can be. It’s such a treacherous organ.

It’s a moment before the door opens and when it does I’m so fucking glad I dressed up. His eyes sweep over me lazily, then again for good measure. He’s dressed more casually than I am, but since I see him dressed up every day at school this is welcome. The jeans hug his thick thighs like a second skin and his pale blue t-shirt is well worn, stretched across his broad chest.

“You look beautiful,” he whispers, clearing his throat like he didn’t mean to give voice to the words.

“Thank you.” My cheeks flush slightly. “You’re not so bad yourself. Gonna invite me in?”

“Uh, yeah.” He steps aside.

“Something smells amazing,” I hum, inhaling the heavenly scent emanating from his kitchen. “Where’s Zeppelin?”

His bare feet pad into the kitchen and I follow, hopping up on the dark granite top. I swing my legs back and forth.