Page 128 of Sweet Dandelion

“Thanks.” My gratitude is non-existent in my tone as I snatch it from him.

He clears his throat, stepping away awkwardly, to lean against the column that leads into the kitchen. He’s probably realizing how close our bodies were and that while Sage might not be here, this definitely isn’t the place for us to be testing our limits.

I peel back the cardboard flap, pulling out the plastic wrapped popcorn. While my fingers make quick work of ridding the popcorn pack of plastic, I eye the tall, imposing man taking up space in the kitchen. It was over a week ago when I slept in his arms, and I want nothing more than for him to wrap them around me now, hold me tight, but I’ve heard what he’s said and I might be young but I’m not stupid. While I don’t care about our age difference, or our positions, I do care about someone finding out and it hurting him. If he lost his job because of me I would never forgive myself.

“You better start talking. Your five minutes already started.” I turn around, opening the microwave to place the pack inside. I push the button on the microwave and it hums to life with power while I turn back around, facing Lachlan.

Mr. Taylor, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Taylor, I chant silently in my head. He’s not Lachlan to you. Not anymore and he never should have been.

I stand with my hands behind me on the counter, staring straight at him.

He stares back with a stubborn set to his jaw and those dark brows drawn tight.

Canting my head to the side, I decide to wait him out.

After another minute he blows out a gust of air, shoving his fingers through his dark hair. There’s a stubborn set to his lips when he looks back at me, but he shakes his head.

“I wanted to see if you were okay, I guess.”

“You guess?” I arch a brow, moving my arms to cross them over my chest. “You have my number. You could’ve texted me.”

“See, Dani. I wanted to see if you were okay. With my own two eyes. I felt so fucking helpless today. I don’t know what to do or say to make this better for you.”

I wet my lips, glancing away from him. “You can’t do any of that, no one can,” I admit with a soft breath. “What I need you can’t give me.” My tone is sad, and if he keeps standing there I’m afraid I’ll cry and I really don’t want to. I want to eat my popcorn and take a nap—hide away from this hateful world for a little while.

He takes a step forward before he stops himself. His jaw ticks, hands opening and closing at his sides. “Tell me anyway, tell me what you need.”

I twist my lips back and forth, but I know I won’t be able to keep the words to myself.

“To be held,” my voice cracks, “comforted, understood, loved. Being there makes all the difference, because words often aren’t enough, it’s action that I need.”

It takes him two more of his massive steps before he’s in front of me. One second and his arms are around me. One heartbeat and his lips are kissing the top of my head.

Behind us, I smell the popcorn burning as it over pops but I don’t care. I don’t want the popcorn anymore, but I do want Lachlan even if I shouldn’t.

He tucks my head under his neck. Pressing my ear to his chest, I feel the steady pounding of his heart. So solid, so sure. As strong and powerful as he is. The smell of his cologne and something more that’s uniquely him fills my lungs as I breathe him in.

I was irritated when I saw him standing outside the door, but now I’m more than happy he’s here.

“I’ll hold you,” he murmurs against the top of my head, his embrace tightening. “I’ll hold you as long as I can.”

“Forever.” I fist the back of his shirt in my hands, shuddering with the admission of how much I truly want him. “I want you to hold me like this every day for the rest of forever.”


“Shh,” I hum. “I know.

But let me dream.

He sways me back and forth slightly. The microwave beeps behind us, reminding me I haven’t gotten it.

“Your popcorn.” He starts to let me go but I wrap my arms tighter around his torso. God, I could live in this man’s arms.

“I don’t care about the damn popcorn.”

He lets out a small chuckle, hugging me again.