Page 109 of Sweet Dandelion

His hands slip down my body, to my hips, rocking me harder against him.

“Lachlan,” I gasp, and he bites my bottom lip, tugging it into his mouth.

His blue eyes meet mine in the dark as he releases my lip. “Let go, Dani, I’ve got you.”

I don’t want to let go, because once I do, I’m afraid this moment between us will be over too. There’s no controlling it once I fall off the ledge into an abyss of pleasure. His hold tightens on my hips, his own rocking against mine.

He pants, letting out a low groan. “Fuck.”

We fall together.





Wetness seeps through my underwear, probably onto my pants, but I can’t bring myself to care.

Lachlan wraps his arms tightly around me, his breaths as uneven as mine as he comes down from his own orgasm.

I expect him to push me off, to be appalled by what has transpired between us, but he hugs me tighter, burying his face into my neck, pressing soft kisses to my sensitive skin.

I twine my fingers into his hair, kissing his lips softly.

He places a tender kiss to the sensitive skin beneath my ear.

Our bodies are plastered together and I hope he has no plans of releasing me, because I don’t want to go anywhere. This right here, with him, is where I belong. It’s the only thing I’m certain of anymore.

“Are you hungry?” he asks softly after a while.

I nod against his chest. “But I don’t want to move.”

He chuckles, the sound vibrating against my ear I have pressed to his chest. I place my hand on the column of his throat so I can feel it there too. He grabs my hand, kissing the tips of my fingers.

“You need to eat.”

He stands up with me wrapped around his body, carrying me into the kitchen. He sets me on the counter, where behind me even more candles are lit.

I slowly unwind my body from his.

“Why do you have so many candles?”

He shrugs, opening the dark refrigerator. “I like candles.”

It’s such a simple response, but makes me laugh anyway.

“I can’t exactly cook you anything, so is a sandwich good?”

“That’d be great.”

He starts pulling out everything he needs and goes about making two sandwiches. I itch to ask him about what happened, but I don’t want reality to set in and for him to regret it. It would kill me if he did, when that was one of the greatest moments of my entire life.

Lachlan finishes making the sandwich and adds some chips to the side before passing me a plate. He hops up onto the counter beside me, our legs swaying similarly. Sitting here with him like this, things feel so simple, like I’m a gir

l, a woman, spending time with the man she likes. Things don’t feel nearly as complicated as they are.