Page 57 of Beauty in the Ashes

I skidded around him, ignoring his calls to stop.

The guy I searched for looked up at my approach.

“Sutton, what are—”

I climbed on a barstool, leaned forward, and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

I had to know.

It was wrong to use Memphis like this, but I could barely remember our kiss the other night, and I needed to see if kissing him was as good as kissing Caelan.

His eyes widened as my body splayed over the counter and my lips connected with his.

The other workers in the bar, preparing for openin

g hours, cheered at the display. I wondered if they’d be cheering if they knew the real reason I was kissing Memphis so passionately.

My tongue grazed his lips and his mouth parted, his teeth tugging lightly on my bottom lip. The kiss was certainly hot enough, and I did feel something, but nothing like the storm that raged through my body with a single look from Caelan.

I pulled away, ending the kiss. My forehead was pressed against his as we both panted. Finally, my head rose and I pressed a tender kiss to his forehead. “I’m sorry,” I whispered.

His eyes closed and a shadow of pain flickered over his face.

He knew.

“I’m sorry,” I repeated once more before I pushed myself off the chair and ran out of the bar, impervious to the looks of bewilderment from the staff.

I had used Memphis to make a point to myself. It had been wrong to drag him into the middle of this, but I had to be sure.

I was upset at myself for my silly, spur of the moment, decision, but I’d had to know if I was imagining things with Caelan.

With my head ducked, I walked at a brisk pace back to the apartment building. I was a woman on a mission.

I jogged up the steps of the building, my purse thumping steadily against my thigh—thumping just as hard and fast as my racing heart.

I was taking the bull by the horns here.

I stopped outside Caelan’s door. My pulse jumped in my throat, a nervous and irritating flutter.

He’d stopped things this morning, but that wasn’t happening anymore.

We were destined. Yeah, I knew that totally sounded ridiculous, like I was under some kind of love spell or some other shit. But it was true.

I believed that in our lifetime, there were certain people we were meant to meet and that they could have a profound effect on our lives if we let them.

Okay, that sounded even sillier than the fact that I believed we were destined.

Clearly, I’d been watching too many fucking Hallmark movies.

Taking a deep breath, I poised my hand above the wooden door, preparing to knock. Only this time, unlike that moment several weeks ago, I wouldn’t be running away.

I was seizing the moment…well, more like making the moment.

I squared my shoulders, and knocked.

