Sitting the box down, I placed my hands on my hips as I tried to regain my breath from carrying so many heavy boxes up the steps.

I looked around, a small proud smile on my lips.

This was it.

This place was mine.

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I had never had my own place, having only lived with my parents and scumbag ex-boyfriend whose name I refused to even think.

After a crappy time back home, I’d been desperate to get away—as far away as possible.

So, now I was on this crazy journey to find my identity.

I strode over to the large windows, looking outside. My apartment was in an old part of town and I was in love with the charm. It was what drew me here in the first place. The town boasted unique shops and the building had exposed brick walls, old wood floors, and a magnetism that I couldn’t help but be drawn to.

I found my smile widening as I watched the traffic below.

Moving twelve hundred miles away from home would probably scare most twenty-two year old women. Not me though. After finishing college, I’d needed to get away from my life and have a fresh start. I couldn’t take the negativity and disgusted stares for a moment longer. I was tired of feeling like a piece of shit.

I’d known my whole life I was adopted, and I wasn’t sure if that was the reason I always felt like I didn’t belong…or something else.

I reached up, running my fingers along the long slender raised scar on my arm. Some people were frightened of my scar, it was big and red, and ugly, but it was a part of me. It reminded me that once I’d had a different family—a family I’d never know, because while I’d escaped the fire with nothing but this scar as a baby, my whole family had lost their lives. A mom, dad, and brother that I’d never know. All I had left of them was a lone photograph salvaged from the rubble. I missed them—which seemed impossible when I didn’t even know them. There was an emptiness in my heart where they should have been.

I pulled away from the window, facing the mess of boxes. I didn’t even know where to begin.

Eyeing the open windows, and realizing that it would be dark soon, I decided to leave the boxes where they were and run to the store. No way was I sleeping in here with windows wide open like that.

I grabbed my car keys off the tile kitchen counter and headed outside.

It had taken a few days to make the drive from Texas to Virginia. Forgoing the expense of a hotel, I’d slept in my car.

Before I left for the store I stopped someone on the street and asked for directions. I hadn’t had time to explore and I didn’t want to waste my time driving around like an idiot.

In no time I was at Target. I meandered through the store, grabbing necessities I’d soon need. Like, towels. I’d definitely need towels. And food. Yeah, that was a must.

When I finally checked out it looked like I was stocking up for the zombie apocalypse.

I hoped I could find my way back to the apartment without getting lost.

I got distracted when I spotted a sign that boasted: KITTENS FOR SALE!

I wanted a kitten.

I was alone.

I had no friends here.

A kitten would be nice.

I really hoped they were selling kittens and it wasn’t a code word for cocaine or something.

I pulled up to the house and strode up to the front door.

It opened almost immediately and a harried young mother greeted me with an infant on her hip.

“Hi,” I ventured, “I saw the sign about the kittens and I was interested.”