Page 172 of Beauty in the Ashes

“We really don’t,” I replied. “Unless,” I grinned, “celebrating involves getting you naked?”

“No,” she rolled her eyes. “Nice try.”

I crooked an elbow over my eyes. “Then let me sleep.”

“No,” she pulled my arm away. “You’re not going back to sleep. We’re meeting Kyle for lunch.”

“I seriously don’t want to make a big deal out of this,” I told her.

“But, Cael—”

“It seems weird to celebrate the fact that I’ve managed to stay sober for a year,” I grumbled.

“It’s an accomplishment you should be proud of.” She leaned towards me, her red hair tickling my bare chest.

“I am proud of myself,” I defended, “but it seems like a stupid thing to make a fuss over.”

“Don’t be a fun sucker,” she pouted.

I chuckled and sat up, rolling on top of her. “Fine, I’ll go to lunch,” I kissed her, “but first I think I deserve a present, you know, since today is a celebration.”

She wrapped her arms around my neck and her lips ghosted along my ear. “Your wish is my command.”


“Hey!” Kyle greeted us at the restaurant. Balloons were tied to the chairs and confetti sprinkled the tabletop.

“It’s not my birthday,” I stated. “So, what’s with all the birthday shit?”

Leah clasped my hand. “We wanted to make it fun.”

“I had plenty of fun all morning,” I chuckled.

“Rub it in,” Kyle groaned and sat down.

“What happened to Stephanie?” I asked him. “I thought things were good between you guys?”

“She was too clingy,” he grumbled as he perused a menu.

“And it sounds like you’re too picky,” Leah piped in. Looking across the table at Kyle, she said, “No one’s perfect, you have to give them the chance to prove that their flaws aren’t everything.”

He set the menu down. “How insightful of you. I’m sure you have to overlook a lot of flaws with this one,” he pointed at me.

I chuckled, running my fingers through my hair. The blond strands had grown too long and I knew it was time for a trim. “Flaws? I have no flaws?”

Kyle and Leah both laughed at that.

Conversation moved to my gallery. It was doing better than I ever thought it would. I’d named it Marayla’s a combination of my mom and sister’s names. I knew most people didn’t understand the name, but it wasn’t for them.

I’d held my first workshop last week and the turn out had been more than I anticipated. It made me happy to do what I loved. Everything had worked out for me.

Well, almost everything.

I knew in my gut that it was time to see Sutton. I needed a proper goodbye with her. I’d moved on and I was sure she had too, but I knew I would never truly feel at peace until I apologized.

As we left the restaurant, I said to Leah, “There’s somewhere I need to go.”

“Oh.” Her face fell. “Do you want me to go with you?”