Page 177 of Beauty in the Ashes

I startled when I saw a beautiful woman with vibrant red hair come in behind him and clutch his hand.

I was shocked and I was sure it showed, but I quickly smiled once more.

I stood and Memphis joined me in walking over to Caelan.

“You look good,” I smiled fondly.

“Thanks.” His smile was crooked and almost boyish. He looked his age now, except for his eyes that held the pain no one should have to experience.

“Hi.” I turned towards the woman beside him. While I didn’t feel any jealousy towards her, I did hope she was good to him. Caelan deserved to love and be loved, but I didn’t want him to be taken advantage of. “I’m Sutton.”

“I know,” she replied, forcing a smile. I could tell she was nervous around me. “I’m Leah.”

“It’s nice to meet you. This is my husband, Memphis,” I nodded my head towards the man playing bodyguard. He shook hands with both and said a few words. “Should we sit down?” I suggested.

They both nodded and we all sat down at the table Memphis and I had previously occupied.

I had no idea where to start, but seeing as Caelan and I were going to be connected for the rest of our lives, the rest could come later.

Right now was about introducing him to our daughter.

Memphis cleared his throat and pointed at Leah. “I’m going to get some coffee, would you mind coming with me?”

I smiled. That was my Memphis, always trying to do the right thing. He saw that this moment needed to be between Caelan and I only.

“Sure,” Leah agreed, knowledge shimmering in her pretty green eyes.

As soon as they were gone, I moved to sit beside Caelan. “She’s beautiful,” he whispered, reaching out to touch Cayla’s smooth cheek.

“She’s perfect,” I added. “Here, you hold her,” I tried to hand her to him but he flailed. “Caelan,” I laughed. “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know how to hold a baby,” he admitted. “I don’t want to break her.”

I bit down on my lip to contain my giggles. He was dead serious and I didn’t want to embarrass him. “Just hold your arms like this,” I nodded down at the way I had her cradled in my hold, “and make sure you support her neck.”

He mimicked my pose and I eased our daughter into his arms. “Wow,” he gasped as she stared up at him. “I can’t believe we made her.”

“Me either,” I laughed.

“I love her so much already.”

“Babies are pretty amazing like that,” I agreed.

He kissed her head and then his eyes flicked up to meet mine. “What’s her name?”

I let out a breath and answered. “Cayla. Cayla Hale Gregory.”

He gasped. “You named her after my sister?”

“Of course,” I replied as he looked down at her with even more awe than before. “No other name was right.”

I saw Memphis and Leah take a seat at another table. I was thankful that they were giving us more time.

I grew quiet, watching Caelan gaze at Cayla. I laid my head on his shoulder and he stiffened at first, but then relaxed.

“I live for you,” he breathed as he cradled our daughter in his arms. His finger tenderly stroked her pouted lips.

Tears pooled in my eyes at the words he spoke to her—words he’d once told me.