Page 106 of Beauty in the Ashes

He bent down and got one arm under Caelan’s legs and the other behind his back. With a grunt, he lifted him up. “The scrawny thing is heavier than he looks. Get the door open.”

I did as quickly as I could, and then had Cyrus put him in the bathtub. I figured that would be best since I had to get him cleaned up.

Once Caelan was in the tub, Cyrus stood with his hands on his hips and looked at me steadily. “This is really what you want?” He pointed to Caelan. “A boy who can’t get his shit together?”

“You wouldn’t understand,” I muttered, maneuvering Caelan’s arms around so I could rid him of his soiled shirt.

“You’re right. I wouldn’t. But I do know you deserve better.” With those parting words, Cyrus left me alone.

I took a deep breath. Pushing his statement out of my mind I set about removing Caelan’s clothes. I dumped them in a trash bag and tied the string, then set the bag outside my apartment door so that the smell didn’t permeate the air.

Back in the bathroom, I turned the water on. I thought for sure it would wake him up, but it had no affect. He was out cold. Once he was cleaned up, I used a towel to dry his body. I frowned, rocking back on my heels. I was at a loss as to what to do. I couldn’t ask Cyrus for help again and I didn’t see how I could get him out of the bathtub on my own.

With a sigh, I realized it was going to be a long night—er, morning—because I was going to have to sit up and keep watch over him to make sure nothing bad happened.

I brewed a hot cup of coffee and created a makeshift bed on the bathroom floor.

Oh, the things we do for the ones we love. It’s comical really, the lengths we’ll go to.



I heard something crash in the house. It sounded like something big.

Then footsteps sounded on the stairs, but everyone was sleeping—which meant someone was in the house that wasn’t supposed to be.

I heard my parent’s bedroom door open, and then my dad spoke.

Screams, his screams, filled the air.

I was up and out of my bed before I knew what I was doing.

I had to get to Cayla, and then I had to get to mom. It sounded like it was too late for dad—his cries had ceased. Oh God, what was happening?

You heard about these kinds of things on the news all the time, but you never imagined it would happen to you.

Cayla was sitting up in her bed when I entered the room. She looked around wildly and gulped greedily at the air. She was beyond scared. I was too. But I had to stay calm. The minute I’d start to freak out would be the minute I’d forget how to think. We had to get out of the house, that was for sure.

I held a finger up to my lips, urging her to be quiet. She nodded, easing the covers off her body.

I nodded my head towards the window.

We could climb out on the ledge of the roof and jump down.

Silence had fallen in the hallway, but now mom’s screams started up.

I bit down harshly on my tongue, to the point that blood was drawn, to resist the urge to yell out for her.

Her shrieks quieted almost instantly.

I knew Cayla and I had only seconds to get out of there.

“Go, Cayla!” I nodded towards the now open window. A breeze swept into the room, causing her curtains to billow.

“Hurry, Cael,” she hissed, starting out the window.

I reached out towards the door, to lock it, but it was already being opened.