I laugh. “Dad, I’m fine. It’s just breakfast. Besides, shouldn’t I get to know your new band?”

He shrugs. “Yeah, I guess,” he grumbles. He looks around at the three guys with a pointed stare. “No funny business, I mean it. We head to the studio in an hour.”

He heads off down the hallway, probably in search of my mom. Even after they’ve been together all these years they can’t keep their hands off each other. It’s gross at times, sure, but it’s been nice growing up seeing that kind of love and respect. I want it for myself one day.

I startle when Hollis plops down beside me on the built-in bench.

“Is he always like that?” he asks me, piercing his fork into the omelet for a too big bite.


“Yeah,” he chuckles.

“Always,” I sigh. “He interrogated my prom date to the point the poor guy wouldn’t even touch me the whole night, not even to dance. It ended up being the worst prom ever.”

“Damn,” Rush whistles. “You know, it’s kind of unfair how girls are told it’s wrong to sleep around and guys are slapped on the back for it with a job well done, son. You should be free to do whatever and whoever you want.”

“Thanks for such an amazing speech,” Hollis chortles.

Rush shrugs. “You know I’m right.”

“Who made this?” Hollis asks. “It’s fucking delicious.”

Fox points at me.

“Really?” Hollis turns surprised eyes to me.

“What? Do I look like I can’t cook?”

“Nah, I just assumed you guys had like a chef or something.”

I shake my head. “Is getting famous all about the perks to you? Because trust me, if you haven’t learned yet, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. I’ve seen the media spin so many stories on the guys of Willow Creek, on their wives too. I’ve had to see headlines saying my dad’s cheating on my mom. Even when you know it’s not true it still hurts. The less people you have nosing around to sell fake stories the better—also, staying as normal and level-headed as you can is the key to success. The minute you think you’re all that is the minute you fall.” I snap my fingers. “Remember, the climb to the top takes time and is hard as hell, but the minute you fuck up and piss enough people off it all disappears.”

The two guys across the table sober, but not Hollis. Oh no, he continues to look at me with a cocky ass smirk. I want to smack it off his face and I’ve never felt like this before. I only met this guy not even an hour ago and he’s already under my skin.

“I’ll take my chances.”

“Whatever,” I say. “You’re nothing to me. I don’t care what happens to you—but whatever you do,” I glare so he knows I’m serious, “don’t fuck with my dad. He’s a good guy.”

With that I give him a push, forcing him off the bench so I can get up and leave. I drop my plate in the sink with a clang, not even bothering to rinse it like usual, and stride from the room.

Hollis Wilder has no clue the fire he’s playing with.

No clue at all.



I watch the beautiful redhead leave the kitchen, my eyes following the sway of her hips and pert ass. I know she’s the last woman I should be looking at because she could get me in loads of trouble, but I can’t help it. She’s hot.

Something hard hits me in the head. “Ow.” I rub the bump. “What the fuck was that f


“Don’t even fucking think about it,” Rush warns me.

Rush of all fucking people. Rush who’s the reason we got hauled out of the damn club last night like a bunch of prepubescent boys sneaking into a strip club.