Page 103 of Wild Collision (Us 4)

“Scold me all you want, my dick is still bigger,” Rush declares.

Cannon turns the radio up, glaring at us in the rearview mirror while he does.

“Don’t make me put you in time out,” he warns. “If you’re going to call me dad, then I get parental rights and that means a time out where you all shut the fuck up.”

“Yes, sir.” Rush mimes zipping his lips and throwing away the key.

We’re quiet the rest of the ride and with each minute we get closer to Hayes’s house the more nervous I get.

I don’t like this feeling.

Hollis Wilder doesn’t get nervous, ever.

I can sing on a stage in front of thousands of people at festivals and concerts, but I can’t face my girlfriend’s family for one small dinner.

Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

When Cannon turns onto the driveway my fight or flight senses kick in and there’s a moment where I consider opening the car door and tumbling out onto the street.

Mia reaches for my hand and squeezes reassuringly. I hate being like this. It’s not me, but I hate him not knowing and I hate that I feel like no matter what I do to prove I love his daughter, that this is real, none of it will be enough.

Cannon parks his SUV outside the garage doors.

“It’ll be okay,” Mia whispers and daringly leans over to kiss my cheek.

The second we leave this car I’m not her boyfriend anymore and she’s not my girlfriend.

Instead, I belong to Hayes, and it’s not a feeling I like.



My eyes want to drift to Hollis where he plays pool in the corner of the basement with my little brother.

At least Noah seems to be enjoying himself, hanging out with the guys. I’m sure it hasn’t been easy growing up with two older sisters.

“I’ve missed you,” my mom says yet again. “I feel like we never see you now.” She frowns, her eyes sad. “I don’t know what I’m going to do when you’re all gone.”

“You’ll be fine,” I assure her.

I know it can’t be easy seeing your kids grow up and leave but she’ll adapt.

“I hope I can visit more next semester,” I continue. “I’ll have fewer classes. Right now with school, work, and…” I almost say Hollis but stop myself. “It’s a lot,” I finish.

“You seem happy, though,” she remarks. “You’re glowing.”

I want to open up, to share with my mom how much Hollis means to me, how he makes me feel, but I can’t.

My dad comes up, putting his arm around her. “This is nice,” he remarks. “All of us together and the guys too.”

“They’re cool,” I say, looking over my shoulder at them.

Rush is giving Noah pointers while Cannon and Fox act as cheerleaders pepping Noah up to beat Hollis.

“We should eat soon,” my dad comments. “Before it gets too late.”

My mom turns in his arms. “I’ll go check on things.”