I keep going.

I don’t know how much time has passed but eventually I look down and see her eyes closed, her lips parted with sleep. Her chest rises and falls with each breath. Her eyes roam behind her closed lids, already in a deep enough sleep to be dreaming.

As gently and as carefully as I can, I maneuver out from under her. I slide my arms under her small body and lift her to my chest, carrying her to her bed. She already has the sheets turned back, making it easy to lay her down and cover her up.

She rolls to her side and doesn’t stir.

I strip down to my boxer-briefs before climbing into the bed beside her. I spoon my body around hers and she wiggles her butt against me.

I groan as she settles.

Her hair tickles my nose, smelling faintly of honey and some kind of flower.

It’s the sweetest, purest, kind of torture there is—holding her like this.

It wasn’t long ago that I dreamed of having one night with her, for surely only one would be enough. Now I worry forever won’t be enough time to love her fully. The way she deserves.



Kira, Dean, Willow, and I clasp hands pushing through the crowd at Griffin’s. People grumble at us, but once they notice who we are they shut up. It’s standing room only inside, patrons even spilling outside the building. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this kind of turn out at Griffin’s and my boys deserve nothing less.

Finally, with me leading the way, we make it near the stage. No one is performing yet, but the crowd buzzes with eager anticipation.

I spot my dad, standing with Willow’s dad Maddox, Mathias, and Ezra. They’re lined up against the wall, arms crossed, looking like an imposing force and not the goofballs I know them to be. Well, except Uncle Mathias. Goofy is not in his vocabulary.

My heart races with eagerness at the prospect of seeing The Wild perform. I’ve only seen clips online, and they’re amazing, but live is always better. Thanks to my dad’s job I’m privileged enough to have seen some amazing music acts growing up.

It bothers me, though, that I can’t cheer for Hollis, or kiss him when he’s finished. Not with my dad standing nearby, and not with the millions of cameras courtesy of cellphones ready and waiting.

This town might be used to rock stars, but that doesn’t mean they won’t snap a pic of them and sell it to the highest bidder. Money is money after all.

The lights begin to dim and the ruckus of voices quiets to a murmur.

The guys take the stage—they’re all dressed simply in jeans and t-shirts. My eyes find Hollis immediately and he smiles at the crowd. I know he’s seen me, that he wants to acknowledge me, but with my dad only a few steps away it’s impossible.

I hate this. I hate keeping our relationship a secret from my family, but I also know how overprotective my dad is. It doesn’t matter that I’m twenty-two almost twenty-three, all he sees when he looks at me is a little girl in pigtails and overalls who was such a daddy’s girl. He’s afraid if I fall in love he’ll somehow lose me, but I would never let that happen. He’s my dad, not by blood but by choice, and nothing, and no one, can change my mind. He’ll always have a special place in my heart reserved only for him and I’ll always be his little girl. I wish he could see that.

Hollis wraps his hands around the microphone. “How’s everyone doing tonight?” His voice booms through the room.

There are cheers and he smiles that slightly cocky but blinding smile of his. He chuckles and runs his fingers through his hair. I think I hear a girl sigh dreamily. I don’t blame her. He is dreamy—even if he can be absolutely infuriating at times.

“This is our first time playing at Griffin’s,” he continues. “We hope it won’t be our last.”

More cheers erupt and he glances over his shoulder at the guys giving a nod.

They start playing and the crowd goes crazy singing along and dancing. They don’t even know the words but they sing anyway, wanting to be a part of this night. Hollis plays to the crowd like a seasoned pro. They might not have done stadium tours, but he’s no stranger to being in front of a crowd. He knows how to draw them in, how to cater to them.

I find my dad and uncles in the corner nodding along to the song. Maddox drums the beat, banging his hands against his thighs. I grin, pleased they all approve. Even Mathias has a surprised look on his face and whispers something to my dad.

“They’re good,” Willow yells beside me in order to be heard.

“I’m glad you guys could come out,” I say back.

“It was difficult to pull Dean away from his Pokémon cards, but I managed,” she jokes with a wink.

I throw my arm over her shoulder and hug her to my side. “I’ve missed you.”