She does as she’s told—not because I told her, I know, but because she’s actually hungry.

Her omelet actually looks pretty freaking good and I make a mental note to order one next time.

“What time is your first class?” I ask.

“Not until ten today,” she supplies. “I wish I could change my clothes though.”

“Can you borrow something from your friend?”

“She lives near here and I know she’d let me, but then I’d have to explain this.” She wags her fork between me and her. “She’ll never let me live it down.”

I shrug. “She’ll probably find out anyway.”

“Why?” she narrows her eyes angrily like I’m the one who will spill the juicy details. Once upon a time it’s true I would have, at least to my friends, but I’ll be damned if I ever breathe a word about Mia to those idiots. She’s too special to me to talk about as if she’s a fling.

I tilt my head to the side. “Because you’re best friends and best friends have the annoying habit of figuring everything out before you even open your mouth.”

She lets loose a small laugh. “You’re right about that. Plus, Kira is tenacious. If she wants to know something she won’t let go until I tell her every detail.”

We talk a little while longer before we finish and stand to leave. I insist on paying for both our meals even though Mia balks the entire time. She might think she’s not my girl, but she is, and I’m taking care of her.

I have her drop me off close to the hotel, but not close enough for us to get caught together by her dad or my friends. The consequences would be dire either way.

I give her a kiss before I duck out of her car and she blinks at me in surprise.

I grin from ear to ear and watch her drive away.



I send Kira a text asking if I can borrow something to wear, but she doesn’t respond. I swing by her apartment anyway.

Parking on the street I feed a coin into the meter before jogging up the stairs to her second floor apartment. I knock on the door, more loudly than I usually would, in desperation. If she’s already left for class … I’m screwed.

I hit my hand against the door again and finally, blessedly, hear footsteps on the other side.

The door swings open and my jaw drops.

Rush smirks, leaning against the doorframe. “What brings you here Little Red Riding Hood?”

I stare at him in complete shock and despite myself I can’t help but take in his half-naked appearance. A pair of jeans hang super low on his hips, unbuttoned and barely zipped revealing very obviously he’s not wearing anything underneath.

And I’m staring. Kill me now.

“I need to see Kira,” I say, forcing my eyes up, up, up until I’m looking into his dark blue eyes.

He turns his head and for the first time I notice his right ear is pierced.

“Kira,” he calls. “Mia is here.”

A moment later Kira appears around the corner from her room with a robe wrapped around her.

“What’s wrong?” she asks—despite the fact I’ve caught her at the most awkward moment ever I can tell she’s genuinely worried. It’s not like I normally show up at her place at this hour of the day. In fact, I’ve never done this.

“Nothing’s wrong. I just…” I glance at Rush, afraid to reveal too much but I don’t have another option. “I need to borrow some clothes.”

Kira looks me over and her mouth parts in surprise when she notes I’m wearing yesterday’s clothes. “My girl got laid.” She does a shimmy dance.