And isn’t that what’s most important?

“Fine, whatever.” I weave my way through the crowd to the exit, Cannon and Fox on my heels.

“He’s going to be unbearable tomorrow,” Cannon sighs, pulling a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. He smacks the new box against his hand and pulls one out, sticking it between his lips but not lighting it.

“Why?” Fox asks with a laugh, though he already knows the answer.

“No pussy for Hollis means he’s an insufferable bastard.”

I don’t even try to defend myself because they’re right.

We step outside into the crisp fall air and spot the Range Rover easily.

“Shotgun,” I call, and stand by the passenger’s side before one of these fuckers gets the bright idea to steal it from me.

We wait outside the car and it’s a few minutes before Hayes comes out, supporting a stumbling Rush.

“My boy never can handle his liquor,” Cannon chortles, tossing his cigarette on the ground.

Hayes unlocks the Range Rover and I slide into the passenger seat while the other guys tumble in the back. Hayes dumps Rush with them.

Hayes jogs around the front of the car and into the driver’s seat.

Glancing in the rearview mirror he warns, “Don’t throw up in my fucking car.”

“Of course not, sir,” Fox replies, flashing a cocky smile.

Hayes stares for a moment longer before pulling out into traffic.

We barely make it to the stoplight before Rush retches up whatever cocktail he’s consumed tonight.

Hayes pinches the bridge of this nose. “What have I gotten myself into?”

What indeed.



I trudge into the house through the garage, my backpack slung over my shoulders.

It looks like I’m doing the walk of shame. I’m definitely not. But my dad is bound to give me a lecture anyway, even though I did call home last night to let my parents know I was staying at my best friend’s apartment for the night since we were studying. Crashing on her couch isn’t exactly my idea of a good time, but it is better than making the drive home late at night. Sometimes I wonder why I chose to continue living at home while I went to university. Our house is nearly an hour away from campus, and where I work, but I’d hated the thought of leaving my parents and siblings so I chose to commute instead. I know if I’d wanted to stay on campus they would’ve supported my decision … well, my mom would have. My dad on the other hand… he takes overprotective to a whole new level even now with me being twenty-two.

The alarm chimes, signaling my arrival.

“Mia? Is that you?” My mom calls out.

“Yeah, it’s me,” I sigh, dropping my cheery yellow backpack by the stairs.

I’m tired. Kira’s apartment is small with only her bed and the couch—which means I sleep on the latter. Kira always offers for me to crash in her bed with her but she’s a bed hog, so I choose the couch over being kicked onto the floor in the middle of the night. Yeah, that happened once.

My neck is stiff and my back feels like someone kicked my spine all night long, but this pain can’t be blamed on Kira. For all I know there are little gremlins living inside her sofa.

I follow the sound of her voice to the kitchen and find her making breakfast. Eggs and pancakes. My tummy rumbles but I have more pressing matters at hand, like peeing and taking a shower. Oh, and changing my clothes. I slept in my actual clothes and not my pajamas and it shows.

My two younger siblings sit at the kitchen table waiting for breakfast. Adalyn is so absorbed in her phone she doesn’t even look up upon my arrival. Noah gives me a cheeky smile and lifts his feet onto the table. He winks. We both know Mom will blow a gasket when she spots his stinky feet on the table.

Adalyn and I look a lot alike. We both have red hair, but hers is closer to a strawberry color and not my vibrant hue. We even have features that match our mom’s, but she got Dad’s eyes.