Page 128 of Wild Collision (Us 4)

“All the things I have planned to do to you later.”

“Sounds promising.”

“It’s not a promise, baby. It’s a fucking vow.”

I swear she eats a little faster.

When our meal is done, and the plates are cleared away I stand and offer her my hand.

She looks at me speculatively. “What now?”

“Take my hand and you’ll see.”

She slips her pale hand in mine and I haul her up into my arms.

“Tom,” I call out to the staff member as I guide Mia over to where I want her. It’s at the end of the green house, with the glass walls overlooking the city. “Now,” I say as the night sky lights up with fireworks.

The music begins to play, and I bow before her—I might have a flare for the dramatics.

“Will this beautiful lady accept my offer to dance?”

“I might be inclined,” she says and I can hear the smile in her voice as I raise up.

I place my hand at her waist, clasp her hand in my other one, and begin to ballroom dance.

She gasps. “I didn’t know you could dance like this.”

“I couldn’t. I took classes all week any chance I could. I still can’t tell you what dance this is, but I think it’s a waltz or some shit. But hey, at least I can do it.”

She shakes her head. “And the fireworks—is that you too?”

“Nope, but I knew they were going off in the park for the early Christmas festivities and I timed it just right. But the song, it’s only for you, baby,” I whisper the last in her ear.

She quiets then, listening to the song.

“It’s the song you wrote for me, but it’s…”

“Acoustic,” I tell her. “I slowed it down, made it raw, more … real. And yes, baby, before you ask that is me on the guitar. I’m a man of many talents. I just prefer using my mouth … and my cock.” I smirk at her.

She shakes her head. “Way to ruin the moment, Hollis.”

“I didn’t ruin it. I made it a thousand times better. Besides you’re the one that tells me, ‘Oh yes, Hollis, I love your co

ck. Give me more. Harder. Faster. Fuck me.’”

She blushes. “If anyone heard you say that I will murder you in your sleep.”

“If Tom heard … well, I paid him enough to keep his mouth shut.”

She rolls her eyes. “You’re impossible, but…” She pauses her eyes meeting mine and I can see how much this has meant to her. “This has been the best night of my life. I love you.”

“I love you too, beautiful,” I murmur.

“Can I kiss you now?” she asks.

“You can kiss me any fucking time you want,” I tell her. I want to add preferably on my cock, on your knees, naked, but I don’t want to ruin the moment with my dirty thoughts. Frankly, she can’t blame me. She’s too fucking sexy in that sinful dress and she knows it.

She raises up and kisses me just as the grand finale of the fireworks begin.